
来源:工商管理硕士(MBA)    发布时间:2012-07-13    工商管理硕士(MBA)辅导视频    评论

Passage Two

What causes panic in people who are seemingly rational? Panic is simply the behavioral outcome of a sudden, hyper-risk reaction, more than an assessment. It occurs when one resorts to extreme egoistical behavior to protect one’s interests kicks in when there is “perceived understanding”—skewed and mistaken as it may be—that a person has to act now and quickly lest his or Panic, in other words, is the opposite of premeditated thinking where costs and benefits are carefully
weighed. If anything, panic is more concerned with costs accrued rather than benefits forgone—creating a cost-dominant thinking that creates decision driven by fear. This is why people will often put themselves under even greater risk just to escape from that over which he or she is panicking. Panic is considered both an inelegant and socially repugnant behavior. While it may result in irrational actions, panic is not necessarily wrong. It is a healthy human biological instinct built into our psychology for thousands of years to keep us safe and sheltered from the harsh environment but it is not used indiscriminately for it is nevertheless meant to be a rare event, driven by human beings’ tendency to generalize patterns of bad events. Since panic is rare, it goes without saying that it has drivers and triggers that only selectively operationalize the human mind to send it into a frenzy. and this behavior her physical survival be compromised.The Gestalt School of psychology, for instance, has argued that the human mind tends to collapse all distinctive parts into general patterns and so, for instance, when a series of dots are laid down in a straight pattern, the “perceiver” will inevitably, albeit incorrectly, jump to the conclusion that the dots form a line. The human mind, in other words, is better at perceiving patterns than at analyzing fragments in isolation. If it sees dots, it instantly connects them. The extent to which a person or a class of people is vulnerable to frenzied behavior is due, first and foremost, to the uneven distribution of knowledge and information, followed by an uneven capacity (often
economic) to control events. Transparent information, which allows for proper risk/cost assessment means that alleviating panic is as much a qualitative issue as it is a quantitative one.

46. The example of the experiment with dots in the passage is used to
C. show that humans do not tend to perceive events in isolation.
A. show how humans analyze the various dots in isolation.
B. show why human beings are often irrational.
D. show why human beings tend to panic instead of stay calm.

47. The author implies that reducing panic
B. that is probably uncontrollable.
C. that always involves a faulty perception of danger when there really isn’t.
D. that is controllable if more information is given. 来源:www.examda.com

49. The term “drivers and triggers” in the third paragraph most probably refers to
A. causes. B. consequences. C. initiators. D. reactions.

48. According to the author, panic is a human condition
A. that only happens when we fail to make balanced assessments.

50. We can learn from the last paragraph that
A. sometimes it may be necessary to hide negative information to avoid panic.
B. more information will not necessarily reduce panic.
C. the efficiency of timely information is a crucial factor.
D. people can be taught to use information more rationally.



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