
来源:工商管理硕士(MBA)    发布时间:2012-07-13    工商管理硕士(MBA)辅导视频    评论

  Study the following set of cartoons carefully and write an essay in which you should
  1) describe the cartoons,
  2) interpret its meaning, and
  3) point out its implications in our life.
  You should write about 160―200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
  In the above cartoons, a young woman happily eats bananas and casually discards the peels on the street, unaware of the fact that such actions not only pollute the environment but also pose a danger to others. In the next illustration adisabled man struggles to properly dispose of the trash she has left behind. Despite the girl's youth and beauty, it is the disabled man who is truly beautiful. True beauty comes from one's actions rather than one's appearance.
  While most of us enjoy pretty appearances, it is more important to cultivate a clean and beautiful soul. Only such souls can create a genuinely beautiful society.
  Chinese traditionally uphold the virtues of modesty, generosity, broadmindedness, and politeness. Confucian teachings such as: “do not do to others as you would not want done to you” and “one should be delighted to hear criticism,” are wise and worthwhile. If people embody these teachings our society can only improve and progress.
  The thoughts of great minds like Confucius are also worth studying. His writings set fine and noble examples for us to follow. Another proverb thus comes to mind: in the company of three one always can find a teacher. We should always be willing and able to learn from those around us.
  在上面的漫画里,一个年轻女子愉快地吃着香蕉,然后随手就把香蕉皮扔到了街上――丝毫没顾及到这样的举动不仅会污染环境,还会给他人带来危险。而在接下来的那幅图中,一位残疾人艰难地把她扔下的垃圾清理掉了。虽然这个女孩年轻貌美,但真正美的是那位残疾人。真正的美是出自行动而不是外表。   虽然我们每个人都喜欢漂亮的外貌,但更重要的是培养纯净、美丽的心灵,只有这样的心灵才能创造出真正美好的社会。




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