
来源:工商管理硕士(MBA)    发布时间:2012-07-13    工商管理硕士(MBA)辅导视频    评论

  解析:A) glance vi./n. 一瞥,扫视,擦过,掠过
  eg. ~at one’s watch 看一下表 ~one’s eyes down the page 双眼扫过一页
  take/give a ~at 对……粗略的看一下
  B) peer vi. 凝视,盯着看,费力地看
  eg. ~at the traffic lights 注视着交通灯
  ~into the distance 凝视着远方
  C) gaze vi./n. 凝视,注视,盯
  eg. ~at the fire 盯着炉火 ~into the distance 凝眸远眺
  Stand high and ~far 站得高看得远
  D) scan vt./vi. 细看,反复察看,审视,浏览
  eg. He raised his hinoculars to ~the coast. 他举起双筒望远镜仔细瞭望海岸。
  Read some chapters and ~the rest of the book 读书中的几章并浏览其余部分
  解析:A) depress vt. 降低,压低,抑制,使郁闷,使不景气
  eg. ~wages 降低工资
  This drug ~es the action of the heart. 这种药品使心脏活动减弱。
  B) oppress vt. 压迫,压制,使烦闷
  eg. a system which ~ed working people 压迫劳动人民的制度
  Feel ~ed with the heat 热得难受
  C) press vt./vi./n. 压,逼迫,强调
  eg. ~sth. (down) with a stone 用石头压(下)某物
  ~the phone buttons 按电话按钮
  ~sb. for an answer 催逼某人回答
  ~sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事
  D) compress vt./vi. 压紧,压缩,凝缩
  eg. Thirty years are ~ed into a dozen sentences. 30年光阴简括成了十几句话。
  ~a paper to minimum length 把论文压缩到最短篇幅
  解析:A) limit n./ vt. 限制,界限
  eg. The creative power of man knows no ~s. 人的创造力是无穷无尽的。
  The diver went into the deep water beyond the danger ~. 潜水员潜到超过危险线的深水中去了。
  B) vacuum n./adj./vi./vt. [pl.] ~s/vacua 真空,空虚
  eg. create a power ~制造一个权力真空状态 in a ~仿佛在真空中
  C) short adj./adv./vt./vi. 短,矮,低,短缺
  eg. ~hair 短发 a ~~story 超短篇小说
  a man long on ideas but ~on knowledge 一个主意不少但只是肤浅的人
  D) lack n./vt. 缺乏,不足
  eg. for/by/from/through ~of 因缺乏 no ~(of) 不缺乏
  show a complete ~of method 显得毫无条理
  解析:A) flame n./vi./vt. 火焰,光辉,激情,闪耀,点燃
  eg. ~s from the burning log 燃烧着的木头上腾起的火焰
  burst into ~(s) 烧起来
  B) anger n./vt./vi. 愤怒,使发怒
  eg. The little boy’s mischief ~ed parents. 这个小男孩的顽皮使他的父母生气。
  Be filled with ~ 满腔怒火
  C) offence n. 冒犯,罪行,讨厌的东西,进攻
  eg. commit an ~ against a rule 犯规 weapons of ~ 刺耳的声音
  D) rage n./vi. 狂怒,狂暴,激情,汹涌,盛行
  fly/fall into a rage 勃然大怒
  解析:A) cause n./vt. 原因,起因,理由,动机,使产生
  eg. There is no ~ for anxiety. 不必焦虑。
  ~ and effect 因果
  B) result n./vi. 结果,成果,导致
  eg. His limp is the ~ of a fall. 他的瘸腿是摔了一跤所致。
  announce election ~s 宣布选举结果
  C) reason n./vi./vt. 理由,原因,推论
  eg. There is no ~ for us to go. 我们没有理由去。
  The police have ( every good ) ~ to arrest him. 警察(完全)有理由逮捕他。
  D) origin n. 起源,来源,起因,出身
  eg. the ~(s) of civilization 文明的起源
  a certificate of ~ [商](商品的)产地证明书
  解析:A) stadium [pl.] stadia/~s n. (有看台的)露天体育场
  B) studio (艺术)工作室,排练房,电影制片厂
  eg. a photographic ~ 摄影室
  C) embassy n. 大使馆,大使的职务
  eg. go/come on an ~ 去(来)任大使
  send sb. on an ~ 派遣某人出任大使
  D) gallery n./vt./vi. 长廊,美术馆,建筑长廊
  解析:A) by reason of 由于,因为
  eg. We succeeded ~ good organization. 因为组织得好,我们成功了。
  B) at the risk of 冒着……危险
  eg. do sth. ~ one’s life 冒着生命危险做某事
  C) for the sake of 由于,为了,为了……的利益
  eg. ~ convenience 为了方便起见
  D) at the mercy of 完全受……支配,任凭……摆布
  eg. ~ circumstances 受环境所支配
  解析:A) reject vt./n. 拒绝,抵制,排斥,抛弃,驳回
  eg. He was afraid she would ~ him because he was a foreigner.
  ~ a request 拒绝请求 ~ an appeal 驳回上诉
  B) object n./vt./vi. 实物,目标,提出,反对,不赞成
  eg. I ~ to the proposal. 我反对这个建议。
  He ~ed that I was not careful enough. 他表示反对,说我不够谨慎。
  C) refuse vt./vi. 拒绝,不愿
  eg. He never ~s to help his friends. 他从不拒绝帮助朋友。
  ~ sb. 拒绝某人 ~ a gift 拒收礼物
  D) oppose vt./vi. 反对,反抗,阻挡,使对抗
  eg. ~ new tax legislation 反对新税法
  ~ advangages to disadvantages 把有利条件与不利条件相对照
  解析:A) praise n./vt./vi. 赞扬,崇拜
  eg. win high ~ 受到高度赞扬 deserve ~ for what one has done因所做的事该受表扬
  B) honour n./vt. 荣誉,名誉
  eg. show ~ to sb. 向某人表示敬意
  in ~ of 为向……表示敬意,为庆祝……,为纪念……
  C) grant vt./vi./n. 同意,准予,承认
  eg. ~ (sb.) a request 同意(某人的)请求
  ~ sb. permission to do sth. 准许某人做某事
  ~ the truth of what sb. says 承认某人所说的是真话
  D) recommend vt. 推荐,介绍,建议,劝告
  eg. They ~ that the machine be overhauled. 他们建议把机器检修一下。
  ~ (sb.) a book (向某人)推荐一本书
  ~ sb. for a job 给某人介绍一份工作

  解析:A) pale adj./vt./vi. 苍白的,暗淡的,无力的
  eg. look ~ 面色苍白 be ~ with fright 吓得面无人色
  a ~ moon 暗淡的月光 ~ blue 淡蓝色
  B) temporary adj./n. 暂时的,临时的
  ~ needs 暂时需要 a ~ receipt 临时收据 a ~ office 临时办公室
  C) delicate adj./n. 柔软的,纤细的,精致的,娇弱的
  eg. as ~ as silk 绸缎般地柔软 the ~ skin of a baby 婴儿娇嫩的皮肤
  D) slight adj./vt./n. 纤细的,瘦小的,轻微的,不足道的
  eg. There is not the ~est reason. 毫无理由。
  a ~ figure 瘦小的身材 a ~ cold 轻微的伤风
  a ~ odour of gas 一点煤气味 a ~ difference 微小的区别



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