
来源:工商管理硕士(MBA)    发布时间:2012-07-13    工商管理硕士(MBA)辅导视频    评论

  The challenges facing America’s least tainted large bank

  ASK Jamie Dimon if he wants to be America’s next treasury secretary, a job for which the head of JPMorgan Chase (JPM) is a dark-horse candidate, and he clams up. Ask him about almost anything else in finance and he is far less reticent. In an industry whose leaders remain scared to lift heads above the parapet, Mr Dimon has been unusually vocal in criticising the regulatory overhaul of finance. He recently grilled Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, in public about the unintended consequences of America’s Dodd-Frank reforms.


  Mr Dimon’s assertiveness is explained by both congenital self-confidence and the success of his firm. JPM came through the crisis largely unscathed, making a profit in every quarter (not even Goldman Sachs managed that). Last year it made a record $17 billion after tax. It was expected to report second-quarter profits of close to $5 billion after The Economist went to press.


  Having invented some of the most radioactive instruments of the crisis, including credit-default swaps, the bank knew what to avoid. This left Mr Dimon free to snap up tottering rivals including Bear Stearns, an investment bank, and Washington Mutual, a thrift. These deals cemented his reputation for being part of the solution, not the problem. Since the crisis the bank has increased its market share in all its main businesses, from retail and investment banking to asset management. It could soon pass Bank of America as the nation’s largest bank by assets—though by shrinking less rather than growing more.


  JPM has thus become the emblematic Wall Street bank of the age, just as the newly formed Citigroup (which Mr Dimon also helped to build) captured the spirit of the times in the late 1990s and Goldman was the envy of all before the crisis. It is more coherent than Citi was, more diversified than Goldman. But it faces steeper challenges than the punchy Mr Dimon or his well-oiled PR machine cares to admit.


  First, some big crisis-era headaches are still to clear. The purchases of Bear and WaMu extended its investment-banking clout and branch network (by over 2,000 outlets) but also brought with them piles of duff assets. About $30 billion of WaMu’s loans are in run-off, which is why the bank’s overall loan book is shrinking.


  This “detritus of the storm”, as Mr Dimon calls it, will be expensive to clear up. The bank’s giant retail division made a loss in the first quarter, thanks to mortgage write-offs and legal costs. A recent $154m settlement with regulators over collateralised debt obligations was nothing compared with what is to come once the firm agrees terms with investors and attorneys-general over dodgy mortgage securities and mishandled foreclosures. Another hefty payout could be required to settle a $19 billion damages claim from the trustee for Bernie Madoff’s collapsed businesses, whose main bank JPM was.


  Once all this is dealt with and the environment is more “normal”, Mr Dimon thinks JPM could earn $22 billion-24 billion a year. At home, where its retail business is concentrated, growth by acquisition will be hard because it is already bumping up against regulatory market-share limits. Mr Dimon envisages strong organic growth as the economy recovers, helped by the opening of another 2,000 branches over five years. But loan growth will remain weak while households pay down debt.


  The bigger challenge is to strengthen its presence abroad, where around a quarter of group revenues are earned. JPM is formidable in global investment banking and private banking. But there are yawning gaps. It is, for instance, behind Citigroup in cash management and other “transaction services” for multinationals—a boring but lucrative business.


  Keen to boost its presence in emerging markets, JPM last year bought a majority stake in Gávea, a Brazilian investment firm. As part of a big push in commodities, it spent $1.7 billion on RBS Sempra. The commodities division reportedly made a loss of $200m-400m last year, thanks to hefty costs and sagging markets. “We planned for ups and downs. We’re in for the long haul,” insists Mr Dimon.

  急于扩大新兴国家市场份额的大摩去年注资控股了巴西投行公司Gávea。继而又掷17亿美元收购RBS Sempra,在商品业务方面迈出一大步。去年,由于高昂的成本和市场的疲软,导致其商品业务出现2亿到4亿美元的亏损。“前面的目标任重而道远,我们准备好了,”戴蒙坚定地说道。

  Questions hang over the impact of regulation on returns, too. Dodd-Frank could have been worse for JPM, which will, for instance, be able to hold onto its sizeable private-equity investments. But Mr Dimon lost some key battles over things like card fees. (In contrast, Citi in the 1990s had regulators eating out of its hand.) Margins are also under pressure in derivatives, which account for a third of the firm’s investment-banking revenues. The Basel rules will force it to hold much more equity than it had going into the crisis.


  Investors might also wonder if JPM, with 240,000 employees, 110 trading desks and a $2.2 trillion balance-sheet, has grown too complex to manage. Mr Dimon is passionate about the benefits of bigness, insisting that “anyone who says [economies of scale] don’t exist is crazy.” It helps that he does not try to impose a monolithic culture on the firm’s disparate businesses, and that he encourages his lieutenants to confront bad news, not bury it. The list of potential successors, should he fall under a limo, is impressive. Still, some worry that the firm will be less potent without him.


  American banks face the added challenge of relative decline versus European and Asian rivals. In 1990 all of the ten leading firms in American investment banking were home-grown. Last year only five were. The number could fall to just a couple by 2020, says Mr Dimon. Naturally, he thinks JPM will be on the list. But uneasy lies the head that wears Wall Street’s crown these days, however brash.

  与欧洲和亚洲的竞争对手相比,美国的银行企业面临相对市场份额减少的压力。1990年间,美国所有的 10家投资银行都是本土企业。到2020年这个数字将下降到聊聊几个,戴蒙说道。当然,他认为大摩将会位列其中。但这些天华尔街笼罩在一些不稳定的因素之中,虽然这种不稳定性将会不攻自破。








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