
来源:LSAT    发布时间:2013-01-02    LSAT辅导视频    评论


Question 11

Rose: The book is either by Deerson or else by Jones; I'm not sure which. However, Deerson's books are generally published by Quince Press, as are Jones's. Therefore, the book is probably published by Quince.

The pattern of reasoning in which one of the following is most similar to that in Rose's argument?

(A) That tree is either a beech or else an elm, and Mercedes can identify most trees, so she will probably be able to tell which it is.

(B) The culprits escaped either by car or else on foot, but in either case they must have opened Isidore's creaking gate. Therefore Isidore probably heard them.

(C) Judging by what he said in the interview, George is either a liar or incredibly naive. Both these attributes are unsuitable in a customs inspector. Therefore George should not be hired as a customs inspector.

(D) Margarethe the Second was born either in Luppingshavn or else in Kindelberg. Most of the people in each city then were of Mondarian descent, so Margarethe probably had Mondarian ancestors.

(E) Tomas will probably participate in community service, since he will attend either Dunkeld College or Steventon University and at both most students currently enrolled say that they participate in some form of community service.



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