
来源:LSAT    发布时间:2013-01-02    LSAT辅导视频    评论

Time—35 minutes

24 Questions

Directions: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.

Questions 1-7

During a period of six consecutive days—day 1 through day 6—each of exactly six factories—F, G, H, J, Q, and R—will be inspected. During this period, each of the factories will be inspected exactly once, one factory per day. The schedule for the inspections must conform to the following conditions:

F is inspected on either day 1 or day 6.

J is inspected on an earlier day than Q is inspected.

Q is inspected on the day immeditaely before R is inspected.

If G is inspected on day 3, Q is inspected on day 5.

1. Which one of the following could be a list of the factories in the order of their scheduled inspections, from day 1 through day 6?

(A) F, Q, F, H, J, G
(B) G, H, J, Q, R, F
(C) G, J, Q, H, R, F
(D) G, J, Q, R, F, H
(E) J, H, G, Q, R, F

2. Which one of the following must be false?

(A) The inspection of G is scheduled for day 4.
(B) The inspection of H is scheduled for day 6.
(C) The inspection of J is scheduled for day 4.
(D) The inspection of Q is scheduled for day 3.
(E) The inspection of R is scheduled for day 2.

3. The inspection of which one of the following CANNOT be scheduled for day 5?

(A) G
(B) H
(C) J
(D) Q
(E) R

4. The inspections scheduled for day 3 and day 5, respectively, could be those of

(A) G and H
(B) G and R
(C) H and G
(D) R and H
(E) R and H

5. If the inspection of R is scheduled for the day immeditaely before the inspection of F, which one of the following must be true about the schedule?

(A) The inspection of either G or H is scheduled for day 1.
(B) The inspection of either G or J is scheduled for day 1.
(C) The inspection of either G or J is scheduled for day 2.
(D) The inspection of either H or J is scheduled for day 3.
(E) The inspection of either H or J is scheduled for day 4.

6. If the inspections of G and of H are scheduled, not necessarily in that order, for days as far apart as possible which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the factories any one of which could be scheduled for in spection for day 1?

(A) F, J
(B) G, H
(C) G, H, J
(D) F, G, H
(E) F, G, H, J

7. If the inspection of G is scheduled for the day immediately before the inspection of Q, which one of the following could be true?

(A) The inspection of G is scheduled for day 5.
(B) The inspection of H is scheduled for day 6.
(C) The inspection of J is scheduled for day 2.
(D) The inspection of Q is scheduled for day 4.
(E) The inspection of R is scheduled for day 3.



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