
来源:LSAT    发布时间:2013-01-02    LSAT辅导视频    评论

Taking the Sample Test Under Simulated LSAT Conditions

One important way to prepare for the LSAT is to simulate the day of the test by taking a practice test under actual time constraints. Taking a practice test under timed conditions helps you to estimate the amount of time you can afford to spend on each question in a section and to determine the question types on which you may need additional practice. Since the LSAT is a timed test, it is important to use your allotted time wisely. During the test, you may work only on the section designated by the test supervisor. You cannot devote extra time to a difficult section and make up that time on a section you find easier. In pacing yourself, and checking your answers, you should think of each section of the test as a separate minitest.

Be sure that you answer every question on the test. When you do not know the correct answer to a question, first eliminate the responses that you know are incorrect, then make your best guess among the remaining choices.

Do not be afraid to guess as there is no penalty for incorrect answers.

When you take the sample test that follows, abide by all the requirements specified in the directions and keep strictly within the specified time limits. Work without a rest period. When you take an actual test you will have only a short break—usually 10-15 minutes—after SECTION III. When taken under conditions as much like actual testing conditions as possible, the sample test provides very useful preparation for taking the LSAT.

Official directions for the four multiple-choice sections and the writing sample are included in this sample test so that you can approximate actual testing conditions as you practice. To take the test:

 Set a timer for 35 minutes. Answer all the questions in SECTION I. Stop working on that section when the 35 minutes have elapsed.

 Repeat, allowing yourself 35 minutes each for sections II, III, and IV.

 Set the timer again for 35 minutes, then prepare your response to the writing sample at the end of this test.

 Refer to “Computing Your Score” on page 120 in this book for instruction on evaluating your performance. An answer key is provided for this purpose.

How This Sample Test Differs From an Actual LSAT

This sample test is made up of the scored sections from the actual disclosed LSAT administered in October 1996 and the writing sample topic (with minor editorial revisions) administered in December 2002. However, the sample test does not contain the extra, variable section that is used to pretest new test items of one of the three multiple-choice question types. The three multiple-choice question types may be in a different order in an actual LSAT than in this sample test. This is because the order of these question types is intentionally varied for each administration of the test. The actual test contains section headers at the top of each page that are not included in this sample test.

The Writing Sample

The writing sample is not scored but is used by law school admission personnel to assess writing skill. Your writing sample is copied and sent to law schools to which you direct your LSAT score. Some writing sample prompts, or variations of them, may be given at more than one LSAT administration.

Beginning with the June 2005 LSAT, the time allotted for the writing sample is 35 minutes, with two pages of writing space.

Scratch paper is provided for use during the writing sample portion of the test only. Scratch paper cannot be used in other sections of the LSAT.



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