
来源:LSAT    发布时间:2013-01-02    LSAT辅导视频    评论

  逻辑推理试题共有两个部分,每部分有 24~ 26道试题。一般每道题都有一篇小的短文或对话,然后针对此短文或对话提出 问题。 短文或对话涉及的范围很广,包括哲学、文学、政治、科技、艺术、历史、体育等等。 逻辑推理试题主要测试考生的以下能力:
  1. 有关结论的问题:
  The term "pit bull" does not designate a breed of dog, as do the terms "German shepherd"
  and "poodle. " It is like the terms "Seeing-Eye dog" and "police dog," which designate dogs ac-
  cording to what they do. If you take two German shepherds and place them side by side, you
  cannot tell by appearance alone which is the police dog and which is the Seeing-Eye dog.
  Which one of the following is the main point of the passage?
  (A) German shepherds can be pit bulls.
  (B) Pit bulls can be distinguished from other kinds of dogs.
  (C) A dog is pit bull because of what it does, not because of its breed.
  (D) German shepherds can function both as police dogs and as Seeing-Eye dogs.
  (E) Some breeds of dogs cannot be distinguished from other breeds of dogs by appearance
  2. :有关推论的问题
  Below is an excerpt from a letter that a medical school sent to an applicant:
  We reGREt that we will not be offering you a position at our school. The committee has been
  forced to reject many highly qualified applicants because we must restrict our class size to fewer
  than 200 students.
  Which one of the following can be logically inferred from the information in the letter above?
  ’(A) Only highly qualified applicants were accepted by the medical school.
  (B) The applicant was considered to be highly qualified.
  (C) The school had already taken its maximum number of students.
  (D) Most of the applicants were highly qualified.
  (E) The qualifications of applicants were not the only factor affecting admissions.
  答案(E) |考试大收集整理




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