
来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论




  MR. BENNET'S property consisted almost entirely in an estate of two thousand a year, which, unfortunately for his daughters, was entailed, in defaultof heirs male, on a distant relation; and their mother's fortune, though amplefor her situation in life, could but ill supply the deficiency of his. Her father had been an attorney in Meryton, and had left her four thousand pounds.


  She had a sister married to a Mr. Phillips, who had been a clerkto their father, and succeeded him in the business, and a brother settled in London in a respectable line of trade.


  The village of Longbourn was only one mile from Meryton; a most convenient distance for the young ladies, who were usually tempted thitherthree or four times a week, to pay their duty to their aunt, and to a milliner's shop just over the way. The two youngest of the family, Catherine and Lydia, were particularly frequent in these attentions; their minds were more vacant than their sisters', and when nothing better offered, a walk to Meryton was necessary to amuse their morning hours and furnish conversation for the evening; and however bare of news the country in general might be, they always contrivedto learn some from their aunt. At present, indeed, they were well supplied both with news and happiness by the recent arrival of a militiaregimentin the neighbourhood; it was to remain the whole winter, and Meryton was the head quarters.


  Their visits to Mrs. Philips were now productive of the most interesting intelligence. Every day added something to their knowledge of the officers' names and connections. Their lodgings were not long a secret, and at length they began to know the officers themselves. Mr. Philips visited them all, and this opened to his nieces a source of felicityunknown before. They could talk of nothing but officers; and Mr. Bingley's large fortune, the mention of which gave animation to their mother, was worthless in their eyes when opposed to the regimentalsof an ensign.


  After listening one morning to their effusionson this subject, Mr. Bennet coolly observed, "From all that I can collect by your manner of talking, you must be two of the silliest girls in the country. I have suspected it some time, but I am now convinced."


  Catherine was disconcerted, and made no answer; but Lydia, with perfect indifference, continued to express her admiration of Captain Carter, and her hope of seeing him in the course of the day, as he was going the next morning to London.





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