贝嫂怀抱小七出街 朝天辨胖嘟嘟萌态十足

来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论

  Her mother has made a name for herself as one of the foremost fashion designers in the industry, with celebrities all over the world rushing to wear her designs.

  And now it seems that Harper Beckham is set to follow in the very trendy footsteps of mother Victoria, judging by her outfit yesterday.

  Harper, who turned one last month, accessorised her summery dress with bow sandals and a matching pink ribbon in her hair.

  Harper attended a birthday party in LA today with mother Victoria at Giggles N' Hugs today (Monday).

  And as they left, as Victoria kept her head down per usual, while photogenic Harper stared directly at the waiting photographers.

  While Harper's outfit was suitable for the balmy LA weather, Victoria opted for her usual black hues in a vest top and matching black trousers.

  据英国《每日邮报》报道,贝克汉姆女儿“小七”和母亲维多利亚27日在洛杉矶参加派对。作为时尚前沿设计师的维多利亚非常受社会名流的钟爱,很多大牌明星都争相选购维多利亚设计的衣服。而作为维多利亚女儿的哈珀·赛雯·贝克汉姆 ,也是紧跟随母亲的步伐一副潮人的打扮现身,粉色的连衣裙和蝴蝶结的凉鞋让“七公主”看起来十分的粉嫩可爱。

  相关新闻:贝嫂维多利亚现身北京车展 为品牌站台风范十足



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