
来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论


  One of the most important parts of life are the friendships you have. Close friends are like a chosen family: they are the people you choose to have in your life on a long-term basis and you love them as if they were your sister or brother.来源:考的美女编辑们
  Friends are one of the biggest enhancements to life. They are there to laugh with you, cry with you, and share the ups and downs of life with you.
  Most people have large group of friends, but everyone has their friends they are closest with. Here are four friends every woman should have in her close group of friends.
  1.The Fun One:
  This is the friend you can always count on to have a good time with. “The Fun One” is the friend you go to when you need a break from the stresses of life and just want to go out and have a good time. Be it grabbing drinks, hitting up a movie, or signing up for a rock climbing class, this friend is always down to try anything at least once. She will push you to your limits and have you try things you never thought you would all while making sure you have the time of your life. “The Fun One” is a must-have when the stresses of school, work, family, or anything else get to be too much and you need to unwind.本文来源:考试大网
  和她们在一起让你感到轻松,是你休憩的港湾,是你情绪低落时的强心剂。她们快乐勇敢,会带着你去尝试一些你未曾尝试过的事情,例如攀岩等。在学习,工作和家庭压力越来越大时,拥有一个快乐知己易燃成为一种必需。 来源:考
  2.Miss Trustworthy:
  This is the friend you can turn to when your world seems to be falling apart around you. She is the friend who will listen without judgment and not bombard you with advice. She is your shoulder to cry on when you need it and will sit on the phone with you for hours while you vent. ”Miss Trustworthy” is a must have when going through break ups or other times of loss as she will always be there for you and anything you say to her will be kept in the strictest confidence.
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  3.The Advice Giver:
  is the friend you can count on to give you uncensored, honest, real advice. “The Advice Giver” is the friend you go to when you need input on all life decisions ranging from “should I dump my boyfriend?” to “should I take the job in New York?” The advice giver gives careful consideration to anything you need advice on by looking at the ramifications of each decision and helping you choose the best one for you. This is a great friend to have when you are about to make a potentially life-altering decision.本文来源:考试大网
  4.The Guy Friend:
  This friend is probably the most versatile of all the friend types. ”The Guy Friend” has many purposes, ranging from your personal bodyguard at the bar to the decoder of the guy code. He is also the friend who is always down to grab a beer and watch the Lakers game. ”The Guy Friend” is a must-have for a night out on the town, sporting events, and unique insight into how the male mind works.
  By bringing these four friends into your life, you will have an amazing support system, a guaranteed good time, and all the advice you could ever ask for.
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