人物篇: 时尚奇才 —— 阿玛尼

来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论


  Talent by Design
  If you had been a high-powered banks or businessman during the 1980s, you might well have worn an Armani suit. An essential feature in the wardrobes of the power dressers of that decade, the Armani suit came to symbolize these ambitious young professionals. Its design blended casual and formal looks, as well as Eastern and Western cultural influences. In the 1980s, the Armani suit became a powerful fashion statement among those on the make and those who had it made. Its designer embodies raw talent.
  Giorgio Armani was born near Milan, Italy in 1934. After two years of medical school and a br本文来源:考试大网ief period as a photographer, he entered the fashion world as a purchaser for a department store. But he would soon display a natural creative gift. Having had no formal training, he brought out his first collection of men’s clothing in 1964 while employed by top Italian design house, Nino Cerrutti. He later established his own firm and the Armani brand fist appeared in 1975.来源:考的美女编辑们
  Until Armani arrived on the scene, fashion choices were limited to either rigid, formal suits, or the relaxed, overly casual hippie styles of the 1960s. Armani’s loose, stylish jackets were seen as a welcome change. When the brand took off among women, Armani began designing for them, too. Many of his garments featured the color that now bears his name – the combination of beige and grey that came to be known as “Armani greige.”
  The attractive suits appealed to the wealthy young urban professionals – “yuppies” – of the 1980s. And when his designs – worn by Richard Gere in American Gigolo began to appear in Hollywood movies. Armani’s reputation got a further shot in the arm. A genuine artist, whose work has been the subject of special exhibition at the New York and Bilbao Guggenheim Museums. Armani is now considered one of the giants of twentieth-century style.
  时尚奇才 —— 阿玛尼

  阿玛尼于1934年出生于意大利的皮亚琴察,他不仅在女装的演变史中占有举足轻重的地位,而且造就了服装改革的关键时刻。继克丽斯汀•迪奥的“New Look”与玛丽•奎恩特的迷你裙之后,阿玛尼的设计诠释了女性上班族的全新形象:简单利落的线条、严肃中性的色彩,例如深灰色的套装搭配宽松的领带,这种摆脱女性娇嫩和柔美的服饰适合于20世纪60年代之后在社会崭露头角的现代女性,同时也象征着女性在社会地位上的转变。来源:考
  阿玛尼原是学医出生,但他很快就发现自己的天份不在于此,于是开始在意大利著名百货公司——文艺复兴百货公司工作,负责橱窗布置与协助顾客。1964年,他开始为意大利一家纺织工厂——Nino Gerrutti工作。这家工厂也生产自己设计的男装与女装,阿玛尼在这里展露出才华。考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
  这段时间奠定了阿玛尼在设计与材料知识上的基础。1970年,阿玛尼在好友Sergio Galeotti的鼓励下,出来单飞,短时间内名震设计界。1974年推出男装系列,1975年与Sergio Galeotti合作推出女装系列。考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
  多年来 ,阿玛尼的产品一直备受上流阶层的喜爱,特别在一些年度颁奖典礼上,这种巨星云集的场合,常常都是阿玛尼的天下。好莱坞巨星朱迪•福斯特和米歇儿•菲佛都曾经以一袭简单却出众的阿玛尼服装出席奥斯卡颁奖典礼。



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