双语:跳槽旺季 “裸辞”成风

来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论

  Chen Xiaolin, 27, quit her job as an accountant in a PR company in Shanghai at the end of last month. She didn’t have another job lined up。
  She simply couldn’t stay working in that office any longer. “I hated my job so much that I even cried sometimes in the morning before going to work,” said Chen。
  Chen now plans to take up some professional courses before she finds a new job. She has savings which can support her for the next six months。
  Chen is not alone in leaving a job before lining up a new one. What job analysts call “naked” resignation is now a growing trend among young people, according to a recent survey co-conducted by Globe magazine and Sohu.com。
  More than 43 percent of the 8,064 respondents quit their jobs before finding new ones or were thinking about doing that。
  More than half of those people said the main reason for doing so was because they got no satisfaction or happiness from their job。
  Su Lin, 26, used to work as a software engineer at Tencent Holdings Limited in Shenzhen. He left his job at the end of last September and spent a whole month traveling in Xinjiang and Sichuan。
  “I want to enjoy my life rather than work overtime nonstop,” said Su. “It is necessary for me to take some time to relax and remove negative energy from my body。”
  The phenomenon of “naked” resignation shows the younger generation downplays the importance of payment or job security and pays more attention to happiness in work, said analysts。
  “It is a brave and wise move. Nothing is more important than your health and happiness,” said Feng Lijuan, a chief HR expert at 51job.com。
  Wang Kaiyu, a sociology professor from Anhui University, however, believes young people should take their jobs more seriously。
  “Your work is where you do your bit for the big society. So you can’t leave it just because you don’t like it any more,” Wang said。
  Li Xin, general manager from Guangzhou branch of Zhaopin.com, also advises against leaving a job just because of the less pleasant side of it。
  “Some young people quit and take time to search for a perfect job,” said Li, “but there’s no such thing as perfect job。”



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