
来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论

  How You Spend Your 20s Will Define You

  Many 20-somethings believe they have all time in the world and how they spend their 20s doesn't matter. But they matter most. The foundation you build in your 20s will define the rest of your life. Take yourself seriously.

  Adult Responsibilities Make You Happier

  While many young people may resist getting a "real job" or becoming independent, these are the things that make you happy and give you purpose. Some people underestimate the satisfaction of working, thinking they’ll be miserable in a cube. The 20-somethings that do work are happier than those who don’t or are underemployed.

  Get The Best Job You Can Get

  If you invest in your career early, you'll have longer to build it up. 70% of wage growth happens in the first 10 years, so you need to get the best job you can get and negotiate your salary. People who wait until their 30s to get going are never going to catch up.

  Not Making A Choice Is A Choice

  Many 20-somethings don't know what they want to do, so they hang around the house or in low-level jobs waiting for the spirit to move them. Not making a choice is a choice. These 20-somethings think they are keeping their options open, but they are actually closing doors. Resumes start look thin, their peers begin surpassing them and they may get stuck in underemployment.

  It's Going To Take Time To Get Good At Your Job

  It will take about 10,000 hours (or about five years) to really master their jobs. If you're wondering why colleagues seem so poised and confident, it's partly because they've been doing it longer. young people should learn as much as they can in their first jobs and remember it will take some time to really get good.

  Get Some Perspective

  The 20-something brain is still developing its frontal lobe, which is in charge of overriding emotion with reason. This, coupled with less on-the-job experience, means 20-somethings are more sensitive to surprise and criticism. They are more likely to take feedback personally, and magnify events to enormousproportions in their minds. Step back and get some perspective. You're not going to be fired because your boss is angry. Hear the criticism and learn from it.

  Change Your Brain For Life

  The brain doesn't fully mature until your mid-20s, particularly the parts that plan for the future and manage emotions. That doesn't mean you should sit around and wait for it to develop. In fact, what you learn and experience in your 20s becomes hardwired into your brain, and this is the best chance you have to re-wire your brain and change how you think and react. What people do in their 20s wires who they’ll be as adults.



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