
来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    生活英语辅导视频    评论

  To watch a beautiful sunset is to have a borderline spiritual experience. We’re all sun worshipers at heart, whether viewed from our kitchen window, a neighborhood bench, or the beach. Where can you find prime seating for this grand theatre in the sky? Here are some favorite sunsets from around the world. Feel free to share your most memorable sunset scenery moments.


  1. Santorini, Greece
  Volcanoes don’t seem to erupt with geographical design in mind, but without their handiwork in Greece, we’d lose the gorgeous views provided by Santorini, the small group of islands that provide a sunset roundly understood to stand as one of the most picturesque you’ll ever see. The charming white architecture of the archipelago and the breathtaking cliffs give way to spectacular promontory viewings during a sunset.


  2. The Dead Sea
  Just because the sea’s lifeless doesn’t mean the sunset is. In fact, the tranquility of the water’s surface lends a portrait quality to most shots taken of the Dead Sea. The sunlight here deserves some respect, too; its power is shielded due to the site’s position so far below sea level. In other words, you can sit in front of the sun for hours without a wicked sunburn. Travelers enjoyed their view from Jordan looking out over the West Bank.


  3. Sequoia / Kings Canyon National Park Area, California
  It’s nearly the opposite of the Dead Sea experience above. On the premises of Sequoia National Park and the adjacent Kings Canyon National Park lies Mount Whitney, the highest point in the forty-eight contiguous states at 14,505 feet. The towering trees that give the park its name naturally obstruct some sunset views from directly below the foliage, too, so the few vistas that allow unspoiled views become even more sacred. If you’re moving by car to Cedar Grove, the sun over Kings Canyon there is fantastic, and in between Grant Grove and Lodgepole you’ll see the sun’s orange draped over the majestic Sierras.


  4. Amalfi Coast, Italy
  John Steinbeck, who penned an essay on Positano, Italy for Harper’s Bazaar in 1953, caused traffic in the Amalfi Coast area to spike significantly when he wrote: “Positano bites deep ... It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone,” he remarked. It’s hard to contain our love for the Amalfi, too; to watch the sunset unfold from a moped or actually sitting cliffside is to experience something almost supernatural. The sky morphs into comical orange and pink colors and on a clear night, the sun looks like a tasty ripe nectarine. The closer to the cliffs, the better, you imagine yourself awakening to this every day and can’t help but be overcome with wonder as the light reflects.
  20世纪的美国作家约翰·斯坦贝克(代表作《愤怒的葡萄》)曾在1953年为《时尚芭莎》杂志撰文,他笔下描写的意大利波西塔诺小镇美景,曾经吸引无数人前往一度造成宁静的阿玛尔菲海岸地区交通极其拥堵。他这样描写到:“波西塔诺深深触碰了我的心灵,这里是梦幻的地方,你身处其中觉得虚幻而不真实,而当你离开,这里的一切又变得真切又令人心动。” 很难抑制我们对阿玛尔菲的热爱。坐在悬崖边上看着落日在我们眼前一点点铺陈开来,就像是在经历超自然的神奇。天空变幻成滑稽的橙色和粉色,在天气晴好的傍晚,太阳看上去就像个美味的成熟油桃。靠近悬崖越近,景色越美。落日照射在我们身上,想象一下自己每天早上醒来面对这样的美景,然后你就控制不住一直在脑海里描绘这样的幸福生活。


  5. Cairo, Egypt
  The Egyptian desert sunrise/sunset above sandy foothills is so iconic it’s almost hard to believe its real having not been there. Not to mention this was the place where thousands of years ago they really did worship the sun god, so you know something special is going on. But a sunset in the desert, no matter where you are, makes for an eye-opening experience, especially for city-dwellers.




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