英国男子捐遗体制木乃伊 全程被拍成纪录片

来源:生活英语    发布时间:2013-01-21    生活英语辅导视频    评论

英国男子捐遗体制木乃伊 全程被拍成纪录片

  A former British taxi driver has become the first person in the world for 3,000 years to be mummified in the same way as the pharaohs.
  Channel Four viewers will see Alan Billis turned into a mummy over the space of a few months as his body is preserved using the techniques which the ancient Egyptians used on Tutankhamun.
  Billis had been terminally ill with cancer when he volunteered to undergo the procedure which a scientist has been working to recreate for many years.
  The 61-year-old from Torquay in Devon had the backing of his wife Jan, who said: "I'm the only woman in the country who's got a mummy for a husband."
  The process is revealed in a new documentary Mummifying Alan: Egypt's Last Secret to be screened next Monday, October 24.
  Dr Stephen Buckley, a chemist and research fellow at York University, has spent 19 years trying to uncover the preservation techniques which the Egyptians used during the 18th dynasty.
  Alongside archaeologist Dr Jo Fletcher, Dr Buckley has studied mummified bodies, analysing tissue samples and finally putting his findings into practice by putting them to the test on Billis's body at Sheffield's Medico-Legal Centre.
  Billis had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer when he heard about the search for a body donor.
  "I was reading the paper and there was a piece that said 'volunteer wanted with a terminal illness to donate their body to be mummified'," he told the documentary team.
  "People have been leaving their bodies to science for years and if people don't volunteer for anything nothing gets found out."
  Billis - who dubbed himself "Tuten-Alan" - continued: "Experimenting is all about trying different processes to make things work. If it doesn't work it's not the end of the world, is it? Don't make any difference to me, I'm not going to feel it. It's still bloody interesting."
  Channel 4 said the experiment had a scientific purpose and had not been done for sensationalism. Billis' family said they had given their full support.
  pharaoh: 法老,古埃及君主称号
  sensationalism: the use of sensational matter or methods, especially in writing, journalism, or politics(追求轰动效应)



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