
来源:精算师    发布时间:2012-02-04    精算师辅导视频    评论

  • How can I obtain SOA approval of a specific program?

    Requests for SOA-approved status of professional programs should come from the professional organization offering the program. See also: Information on Applying for SOA-Approved PD Credit. In the case of nontraditional programs, the candidate may submit a letter requesting approval, along with documentation such as full program descriptions, confirmation of successful completion, if already completed, and published information on the organization offering the program. It would be prudent to submit the requests prior to attending the program.

    The organization requesting SOA-approved status for a particular program should be aware that any material provided on these programs will be distributed to the SOA PD Committee for review. The requesting organization will be responsible for securing the necessary approval for reproduction of materials from the program sponsor.

  • What role does the advisor play? How involved will the advisor be?

    The advisor is expected to help the candidate choose a Model Plan or provide guidance regarding the development of a custom plan by helping to select professional development programs that are consistent with the candidate’s professional goals and educational gaps. The amount of time spent by advisors with their candidates is expected to vary based on candidates’ needs, preferences, location, etc. Candidates and advisors are advised to discuss mutual expectations in advance of signing the letter of commitment. Advisors and candidates should also refer to additional information provided in the SOA’s Guidelines to Advisors.

  • 视频学习


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