
来源:精算师    发布时间:2012-02-04    精算师辅导视频    评论

  • Exam Times:

    What time do the exams start and how long are they?
    For exact dates and times please check the Instructions to Candidates found at http://www.soa.org/ccm/content/?categoryID=214009.

    To avoid scheduling conflicts, please allow yourself enough time before and after the exam so that in the event of a delay you are prepared.

    Please note the following procedures for the timing of the exams:

    Supervisors are asked to open the exam room one-half hour before the scheduled start time to allow for admission procedures.

    Once check-in is completed or at the scheduled start time the supervisor should begin reading the exam instructions aloud.

    When all check-in procedures and verbal instructions are completed the supervisor will “re-set” the exam clock to the scheduled start time – the candidates will be instructed to begin work.

    Candidates will be given the full amount of exam time according to the “re-set” clock to complete the exam.

  • Grades:

    When can I expect to receive my examination results?
    Grades are released approximately eight to ten weeks after the examination date.  A list of passing candidate numbers will be available at http://examresults.soa.org; or you may call the SOA hotline number (847) 706-3579 for pass – fail results. You will need your candidate number to obtain this information. Approximate dates for the release of grades for the Spring 2004 examination session are as follows: Course 1-4 , Friday July 9, and Course 6, EA-1 and EA-2B, Friday July 16. For the Fall 2004 examination session; Course 1-4, Friday January 7, 2005; and Courses 5, 8, and EA-2A Friday January 14, 2005.

  • Grade slips:

    How can I get another copy of my grade slip?
    You may request a duplicate grade slip by contacting the Exam Department by e-mail at exams@soa.org. Please put “Duplicate Grade” in the subject line of your e-mail. You may contact the Exam Department directly at (847) 706-3583.
  • 视频学习


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