
来源:java认证发布时间:2012-11-12 12:48:18java认证视频

An instance member…

1) is also called a static member
2) is always a variable
3) is never a method
4) belongs to a single instance, not to the class as a whole
5) always represents an operation

How do objects pass messages in Java?

1) They pass messages by modifying each other's member variables
2) They pass messages by modifying the static member variables of each other's classes
3) They pass messages by calling each other's instance member methods
4) They pass messages by calling static member methods of each other's classes.

Given the following code, which statements are true?

class A {
int value1;
class B extends A {
int value2;

1) Class A extends class B.
2) Class B is the superclass of class A.
3) Class A inherits from class B.
4) Class B is a subclass of class A.
5) Objects of class A have a member variable named value2.

If this source code is contained in a file called, what command should be used to compile it using the JDK?

public class SmallProg {
public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Good luck!"); }

1) java SmallProg
2) avac SmallProg
3) java
4) javac
5) java SmallProg main

Given the following class, which statements can be inserted at position 1 without causing the code to fail compilation?

public class Q6db8 {
int a;
int b = 0;
static int c;
public void m() {
int d;
int e = 0;
// Position 1

1) a++;
2) b++;
3) c++;
4) d++;
5) e++;

Which statements are true concerning the effect of the >> and >>> operators?

1) For non-negative values of the left operand, the >> and >>> operators will have the same effect.
2) The result of (-1 >> 1) is 0.
3) The result of (-1 >>> 1) is -1.
4) The value returned by >>> will never be negative as long as the value of the right operand is equal to or greater than 1.
5) When using the >> operator, the leftmost bit of the bit representation of the resulting value will always be the same bit value as the leftmost bit of the bit representation of the left operand.

What is wrong with the following code?

class MyException extends Exception {}

public class Qb4ab {
public void foo() {
try {
} finally {
} catch (MyException e) {}
public void bar() throws MyException {
throw new MyException();
public void baz() throws RuntimeException {
throw new RuntimeException();

1) Since the method foo() does not catch the exception generated by the method baz(), it must declare the RuntimeException in its throws clause.
2) A try block cannot be followed by both a catch and a finally block.
3) An empty catch block is not allowed.
4) A catch block cannot follow a finally block.
5) A finally block must always follow one or more catch blocks.



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