
来源:java认证发布时间:2012-11-12 12:47:44java认证视频


answer 15)

3) no such file found, doing finally, -1

the no such file found message is to be expected, however you can get caught out if you are not aware that the finally clause is almost always executed, even if there is a return statement.

answer 16)

1) methods cannot be overriden to be more private

static methods cannot be overriden but they can be overloaded. if you have doubts about that statement, please follow and read carefully the link given to the sun tutorial below. there is no logic or reason why private methods should not be overloaded. option 4 is a jumbled up version of the limitations of exceptions for overriden methods

answer 17)

3) runtime exception

without the cast to sub you would get a compile time error. the cast tells the compiler that you really mean to do this and the actual type of b does not get resolved until runtime. casting down the object hierarchy is a problem, as the compiler cannot be sure what has been implemented in descendent classes. casting up is not a problem because sub classes will have the features of the base classes. this can feel counter intuitive if you are aware that with primitives casting is allowed for widening operations (ie byte to int).

answer 18)

1) system.out.println( -1 >>> 2);will output a result larger than 10
2) system.out.println( -1 >>> 2); will output a positive number
3) system.out.println( 2 >> 1); will output the number 1

you can test this with the following classm

public class shift{
static int i=2;
public static void main(string argv[]){
system.out.println( -1 >>> 2);
system.out.println( -1 >>> 2);
system.out.println( 2 >> 1);


java does not have a <<< operator. the operation 1 << 2 would output 4

because of the way twos complement number representation works the unsigned right shift operation means a small shift in a negative number can return a very large value so the output of option 1 will be much larger than 10.

the unsigned right shift places no significance on the leading bit that indicates the sign. for this shift the value 1 of the bit sign is replaced with a zero turning the result into a positive number for option 2.



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