
来源:雅思    发布时间:2013-01-25    雅思辅导视频    评论

(16)2007.06.16 (新题)
In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(17)2007.07.07 (降格)2004.12.18
In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which of these systems is more appropriate?

Nowadays, university students focus on one specific subject. However, some people claim that universities should encourage students to study a range of subjects. Do you agree or disagree?

(18)2007.07.14 (新题)
Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large number of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many problems have impacts on the world, so good relationships between different countries are becoming more and more important. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think the food has been changed by technological and scientific advances is improved, but others worry that is harmful. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Food can be produced much more cheaply today because of improved fertilizers and better machinery. However, some of the methods used to do this may be dangerous to human health and may have negative effects on local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Some people think that a new language should be invented for people from different countries to use for the international communication. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?

The advantages brought by the spread of English as “global language" will outweigh the disadvantages. To what extant do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that money should be saved for one’s retired life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think students should be encouraged to begin working after they have graduated from senior high school, while others think students should attend university first and then begin to work. What’s your opinion?

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice.

The unlimited use of cars may lead to many problems. What are these problems? In order to reduce these problems, people should be discouraged from using cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Who should pay the costs for higher education: all paid by government, all paid by students, all paid by students using a loan and repaid after graduation. Compare the benefits and choose one you think best.

Some employers focus on academic qualifications, paying less attention to life experiences and personal qualities. Why is this phenomenon? Is this development positive or negative?

Some experts say that children’s studying English at primary school is better than their studying English at secondary school. Do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

Some people think that the government should pay the course fees for those who want to go to university. Do you agree or disagree?

Who should pay the costs for higher education: all paid by government, all paid by students, all paid by students using a loan and repaid after graduation. Compare the benefits and choose one you think best.

Nowadays, a large amount of advertising is aimed at children, so some people think there are lots of negative effects on children, and should ban it. To what extent you agree or disagree?

In some countries, advertisers increase the amount of advertising to persuade children to buy snacks, toys,and other goods. Parents object such pressure on children. But some advertisers claim that there is useful information in these advertisements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

(30) 2007.11.24(新题)
Some people think that giving aids to the poor countries has more negative impacts than positive ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, we are living in a throw-away society. What are its causes and what are its problems?

2005.08.06 题目
Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away”culture, because we are filling our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To what degree do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend to solve this problem?

Many people believe that main aim for university education is to help graduates to find a better job, while other people believe that university education has wider benefits for individual and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think the university education is preparing students for employment, while others think it has other functions. Discuss and say what other functions you think it should have.

We can see more disasters and violence shown on TV .What are its causes and what effects will they exert on the individual and the society?

Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV has bad influences,so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



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