
来源:雅思    发布时间:2013-01-25    雅思辅导视频    评论

task 1: comparing the charts for clothing imports of US and Japan of 1995 and 2000.
task2: some people believe children spent time on TV, video and PC games are good and some believe that is bad, talk about these two views and give ur own opinion

listening: section1.
one student find homestay through school officer,
1.desk, TV( what the homestay has for students' bed room)
2. 7 o'clock( dinner time)
3.meat, cheese( what the student don't eat)
4. college( where the student can have lunch on weekday)
5.two( time for lunch at weekend)
8.home key( for open the door)
9.1208( bus to go to school)
10.garden( where can smoke)

listening section2,
it is introduce the new library in a city .
1.134 or 154 ( can't remeber clearly,it is about the number for titles published by US and UK at 2nd floor)
4. book shop(5th floor)
5.1.95 ( price for borrow DVD films)
6.4 weeks( standard return period for books)
8. electronic card( do extend ...or something on computer, together with PIN number)
.....can' remeber any more, sorry

chat between the student and a teacher about taking notes.
1. reference(s) ( one thing the teacher requir student do accurately)
2.examples( another thing required by teacher)
then they talk about the respentation.
3. next seminar( when student need do presentation)
4.explain the experiment( what the student need do in presentation)
5.26th, November( when submit the abstract)
6. professor( who will judge the presentation)
then the course the student will tke for next term, choose 3,
i remeber i choose A,C,F

for section 1, there is a blank filling with:
take away
( how to order food, with another choice : from restaurant),
and there is another blank filling with:
in coming( the student can give the phone number to friends because the is allowed to answer the in coming phone call)

听力section4 是关于英法两国间的tunnel的,有一定难度,要仔细听。 阅读第一篇是关于挠痒和laughter的。第二篇是关于美国Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空管理局的第三篇是关于纸张和电子文档的,不算太难。小作文是4个pie charts有关于clothing import的,2个USA两个JAPAN。大作文就是some people thing TV video computer等对children的成长有negtive effect.谈你的观点。(南京)

Section 3 A girl student discussed with her tutor about a presentation: A female student discusses her assignment with her tutor.
First part is about the general information of the assignment, the student should check the accuracy of the references
Second part is about the presentation. Short-answer questions. No more than 4 words, so for the second short-answer question
(what must the student do in the presentation), my answer was: explain the experiment carefully---?
21. check the accuracy of reference in the last section
22. need to give (extra) examples
23. When will she give her presentation? next seminar
24. What will she do during the presentation: explain the experiment carefully
25. By which date will she submit an abstract: 26 th November
tutor said the presentation should be ready on 3, Dec, (this date is not the answer for the test. Where to do presentation)
26. Where does the presentation take place: in Chemistry Lab
超人提示:tutor 说原来打算在 lab 举行但是×××××坏了,所以只好在 computer room
27. Who will grade her presentation: the presentation will be graded by professor (首先说到 first one by tutor, 然后说 this one by professor)
Circle three subjects she will choose in next term
28. A communication skills
29. C intercourse analysis
30. F psycholinguistics 其他选项有 B. language and society,

听力机经 2007β2
Version 06102 2006 年 9 月 16 日 大陆、台湾
S4 英法两国联合建海底隧道,起先二战结束,和平曙光出现之类的。然后讲两国有意愿建立连接,成立了委员会,准备建隧道, 后来因为什么东东失败,好像有说到有打算建桥?最后又重新要建隧道。

31. 两国计划建隧道
32. 成立 committee
33. 遇到 financial 问题
34. 想建一个 bridge
35. 最终达成一致要 link
36. ……什么 scheme,总共 10 个选项,有一个 1802 年的例子已选 x,所以第一眼看到毫不留情划掉!
37、38 是问以下哪两个是最终建隧道的主要原因。选项有:1. 因为民众的 Popularity 2. 因为安全考虑 3. ……总共 5-6 个选项。
39、40 题的答案:外面的两条通道是 running tunnels,中间叉开的通道是 cross passages (注意:是 passages,不是 passagers! passage 代表通道,passager 是什么大家弄明白!听得很清晰,没有“er”的音!而且两个答案都要加“S”!因为图中是两条线指着 一个空格!很多人没有加 S)
对回忆的答案有怀疑的,最好能去看看英法海底隧道的具体发展历程。 建议大家去查一下英吉利海峡隧道的编年史,建议开始于什么时候,从十九世纪一直到 20 世纪,比较混淆的是他经常有一些干扰 选项,比如 bridge 这个 issue 的提出,其实是 1920 年(?),可是题目只需要问 1930 年发生了什么事情。所以这个东西很难说啊。 大家自己悠着点,多选选两个,我的答案也不拿出来忽悠人了,最后两个天空还是比较有意思的,running turnel 和 cross passage, 可以确定。



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