
来源:雅思    发布时间:2013-01-25    雅思辅导视频    评论



26. It is reasonable to maintain that ______________, but it would be foolish to persist that ______________. There are three reasons ______________.

27. The explanation for this problem involves many factors. For one thins, ______________. For another, ______________. Still ______________. 来源:考

28. The causes for ______________ are varied. They include ______________. Perhaps the main cause is ______________.

29. The eventual result it brings out is ______________. And perhaps the most obvious result of ______________ is ______________.来源:考

30. However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______________ also has its own disadvantages, such as, ______________. besides, ______________.

31. ______________ will bring the society many benefits. For one thing, ______________. For another thing, ______________.

32. Why ______________? Some ______________. And the most common case is that ______________. The notable example is to ______________.

33. There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. For one thing, ______________, in addition, ______________. The main reason is that ______________.

34. People had figured out many ways to solve this problem. Firstly ______________. Though this method has its good sides like it can ______________. One of its bad sides it brings about is that it can ______________.

35. Some reasons can explain the trend. First, ______________. Second, ______________. Third, ______________.

36. One of the reasons that is given for ______________ is that ______________.

37. A further reason why I advocate an attitude of ______________ is that ______________.

38. What is more, the essence of ______________ is that ______________, although we cannot, most of us ______________.来源:考

39. Nonetheless, I reckon that ______________ is more advantageous.

40. From a personal perspective, I also prefer to ______________ because ______________.

41. To make a moral point, I feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that ______________.

42. The main reason why I feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that ______________.

43. ______________ is superior in several ways, of which perhaps the most fundamental is that ______________.

44. There are numerous reasons why ______________, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.

45. One very strong argument for ______________ is that______________.

46. Moving on to wider themes, many people would argue that ______________ is important for ______________ because ______________. 来源:考

47. Of course, I am aware that both ways have potential pitfalls.

48. The advantages of ______________ carry more weight that those of ______________.

49. I can think of better illustration of this idea than the example of ______________.

50. Perhaps the most important example of ______________ is ______________.

51. I fully agree with the statement that ______________. The reasons are chiefly as follows.

52. I fully agree with the statement that ______________ because ______________.

53. As far as I am concerned, my favor goes to ______________. The followings are the reasons of my choices. Firstly ______________, secondly, ______________.

54. Of these two ways of ______________, I inclined to this point of view which ______________. First of all, ______________, secondly, ______________.

55. But there are still many people who don’t agree. They argue that ______________.

56. However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. The idea is easily supported by foots that ______________.

57. For all the disadvantages, ______________ has its compensating advantages. Firstly ______________, secondly, ______________..



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