
来源:雅思    发布时间:2013-01-25    雅思辅导视频    评论

新东方雅思培训 从0基础突破6.5



  Who is your best friend?

  How did you meet?

  What do you do with your friend?

  Tell me the way you make friends with others and youu think what people should be your friends?

  My best friend isxxx. We were in the same class for 5 years. At that time, we often gather together to study and play. Now, we work in the same company.

  Friendship is extremely important to me. It’s like being brothers or sisters, but even more than that. I mean, I would do nearly anything for my friend, and I would expect that he would do the same for me. If he didn't help me when I was in need, then I would not consider him a good friend. I have a lot of different kinds of friends. Some are loud, others are shy. I prefer having a real variety of friends.

  1) Do you think it is easy to make friends in China?

  Yes, of course. Nowadays, transportation and communication are easy and convenient. We have more opportunities to meet all kinds of people and make friends with them.

  2) what do you think the difference between adults and children making friend?

  The difference is attitude or mindset between adults and children making friend. In general, children like to make friend with good students because they can help each other in studying. But adults make friends with anyone they like.

  3) How do children make friend?

  Children to children.

  4) What is the most important thing in friendship?


  5) What is the second important thing in friendship?

  Helping each other.

  6) What makes friendship break up? Misunderstanding

  For example, when I studied in Chongqing University, one day, my roommate lost his watch. He thought I had taken it. At that moment, I was very angry but I said nothing, and then I helped him to look for the watch. Finally, we found it in his pocket. My roommate apologized to me. I forgave him his rudeness. So, I think trust is the most important thing between friends.


[预测] 2013年2月2日雅思预测汇总 [回忆] 2013年1月19日雅思考试解析
[经验] 五节课实现口语突破 圆雅思8分梦想 [名师] 雅思口语高分句型第十八期
[口语] 口语素材:古希腊神话十二主神介绍 [听力] 旷世杰作的秘密(BBC纪录片)
[阅读] 给奥巴马的信:美国儿童恳求控制枪支 [写作] 雅思写作人物题的6个切入点







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