
来源:雅思    发布时间:2013-01-25    雅思辅导视频    评论

新东方雅思培训 从0基础突破6.5



  Describe your latest interesting travel in detail.

  When and where you go?

  Whom you go with?

  What things you do?

  Last year, I went to Shilin with my wife. Shilin, is located about 80

  kilometers from Kunming. Kunming is the capital city of Yunnan Province .It took us 3 days to get Shilin. Shilin is famous for its large areas of stone forests. All stones in Shilin are vividly shaped, resembling various figures. Some stones look like a monkey, and some stones look like a bird. In a word, the stones are fantastic. In addition, I met a classmate of Chongqing University in Shilin. We talked about the things and persons which we remembered in school. I think that is an interesting trip.

  1) Describe some interesting things happened during your travel. Can u describe it for me?

  Ok. I met a classmate of Chongqing University .We talked about the things and persons which we remembered in school. I think that is an interesting thing.

  2) What is your goal to travel and your reason to travel is

  I enjoy traveling. It is so interesting to see how other people live, and it is really an amazing way to learn about different cultures.

  3) Describe the advantage and disadvantage of travel for the country

  Tourism is a useful source of foreign currency for the country, but sometimes so me visitors destroy cultural heritage.

  4) Why China can attract people to travel?

  A 5,000--year cultural heritage attract more people to China.

  5) Do Chinese people like to travel now?

  Yes, of course. Since the opening-up, transportation is easy and convenient. Also, we have ample money for the journey.

  6) Which festival do people travel in and where do people travel to?

  We often go to resorts around National Day, such as Forbidden City, Summer Palace, and Temple of Heaven inBeijing.

  7) Compare the difference about traveling among Chinese people between 100 years ago and now?

  100 years ago, transportation was very difficult; few people could travel in China because most of people were very poor. But now, transportation is easy and convenient and we have ample money for the journey.


[预测] 2013年2月2日雅思预测汇总 [回忆] 2013年1月19日雅思考试解析
[经验] 五节课实现口语突破 圆雅思8分梦想 [名师] 雅思口语高分句型第十八期
[口语] 口语素材:古希腊神话十二主神介绍 [听力] 旷世杰作的秘密(BBC纪录片)
[阅读] 给奥巴马的信:美国儿童恳求控制枪支 [写作] 雅思写作人物题的6个切入点







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