
来源:雅思    发布时间:2013-01-25    雅思辅导视频    评论

  1.Sports Part 1/3 What kind of sports are popular in your country?Is it good for sportsmen to do advertisemnts? Do you think athletes receive too much money from doing commercials?
  Part2 Describe a sports event that you took part in or watched.
  You should say:
  what the event was
  where it was
  who was competing
  what happened during this competition
  and explain how you felt about this event.
  Part 2 Describe an outdoor activity
  What activity is that?
  Where do you do it?
  How often do you do it?
  Why do you like this activity?
  Part 3
  What are the differences bewteen outdoor activities and indoor actitvities?
  Part 2 Describe your favorite sport
  Talk about a kind of sport.You should say:
  What it is?
  Whether it is popular?
  Who likes it?
  2.Part 1 Lauguage
  How many languages can you speak?
  Do you think it's important to know more than one languag?
  What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?
  How long have you been learning English?
  Would you say it's a difficult language to learn?
  What do you think is the fastest way to learn a language?
  3.Part2 Describe the changes you would like to make in living styles(or a change to improve fitness and health)
  You should say
  why did you want to make the changes?
  What changes you will make?
  when will youmake the changes?.
  Describe a good thing that can improve your health.
  You should say
  what it is,
  when did you have it.
  whether you like it.
  and explain how do you think this thing can improve your health
  4.Part 2 Describe a wedding you attended
  you should say:
  Whose wedding it was
  Who was there
  Where it was
  And explain how you felt at this wedding
  Part 1 Do you like traveling? How do you usually travel? Where have you traveled to lately? What kind of places do you like to visit?
  part2 Describe another country You would love to visit
  Which country would you like to visit?why do you want to visit this country?What attracts you most in this country?
  Part 2 Describe an interesting place you would like to visit
  Where is this place
  What is it like
  Why you like to visit
  And how interesting it is
  Part 2 Describe a travel/journey you like to go to with your friend / Part 2 Describe a journey/ long travel you made
  who you would like to travel with
  where you would go
  how you would go there
  and explain why you would like to make this trip.
  or explain why you would choose to travel with this person.
  6.Part 2 Describe your favorite photograph
  You should say:
  Where was the photo taken?
  Who took the photo?
  What can be seen from the photo?
  Explain why it is the favorite photograph for
  Part 3 why do u think that people like taking photos? What kind of people do u think do not like taking photos? What is the advantages of taking photos?
  Part 2 describe one of your favourite family photographs.
  You should say:
  who took the photo
  when it was taken
  where it was taken
  and explain why you like it.



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