
来源:物流师    发布时间:2012-07-24    物流师视频    评论

31、One of the advanes in the multiml transport is to provide faster transit of s. ( )

32、A foul bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very dirty.( )

33、A clean bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very clean.( )

34、Shipped in apparent order and condition means that the vessel looks very .( )

35、Under FCA term, if the chosen place of delivery occurs at the seller’s premises, the seller is not responsible for ling.( )

36、Partial loss or damage is not recoverable from the insurers resulting from natural calamities under FPA coverage.( )

37、Specific Commodity Rates are normally lower than General Cargo Rates in air cargo transporion.( )

38、Multiml transport refers to a transport system usually operated by a carrier with more than one mode of transport under the control or ownership of one operr.( )

39、FI is the largest governmental organization in the field of freight forwarding industries.( )

40、If the shipment e is “on or about May 20”, then the s must be shipped before that e.( )



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