
来源:护士考试    发布时间:2013-02-10    护士考试辅导视频    评论

  The Interview(会谈)
  Interviews can be categorized into 5 groups:(会谈可以被分为5类:)
  1. Standardized / Structured(标准的/结构的)
  The interviewer is not permitted to change the specific wording of the interview question schedule. (主持面谈者不许修改会谈问题安排表的明确的问题)
  The interviewer cannot adapt questions for a specific situation.(主持面谈者不能修改问题的特定情况)
  2. Non-standardized(非标准的)
  The interviewer has complete freedom to develop each interview in the most appropriate manner for each situation(主持面谈者有完全的自由发展每个面谈而采用适当的方式访问)
  3. Semi-standardiezed(半独立式的)
  The interviewer may be required to ask a number of specific major question, but beyond these, he is free to probe as he chooses.(主持面谈者可以要求去问一些明确的主要问题,除此以外,他可以自由探究他选择的问题)
  4. Focused(聚焦的)
  The interviewer approaches the respondent with a series of questions based on previous understanding and knowledge of the problem or phenomenon being studied. The interviewer is thus able to diect his questioning so as to discover the kinds of backgrounds and experiences that have influenced the subject.
  5. Non-directive(不定向的)
  The subject is allowed the opportunity to express his feelings without fear of disapproval. There is freedom to discuss a topic without pressure from the interviewer.
  Interview instruments(会谈文书)
  1. Interview schedule - A questionnaire that is read to the respondent.
  面谈明细表 - 一个调查问卷读给被调查者
  2. Interview guide - One that provides ideas but allows the interviewer freedom to pursue relevant topics in depth.
  面谈指导 - 提供主意,但是允许面谈者自由地对相关的话题进行继续和深入了解
  Types of questions(问题的类型)
  1. Open-Ended questions - One alarmed at eliciting response that is more than one or two words in length.
  开放性的问题 - 一个担心的问题用一个或两个词的长度来回答
  2. Close-Ended questions - A type of inquiry that requires no more than one or two word-answer.
  封闭式的问题 - 要求最多一个或两个词回答问题类型
  3. Biased or leading questions - Those that carry a suggestion of the kind of information that should be included in the response.
  有偏见的或者最重要的问题 -那些携带的信息的,应在答复中包括这类建议
  Guidelines when conducting an interview 参考当指导一个面谈者
  1. Initiation 开始
  1.1 Greet the respondent by name 以名字为回应打招呼
  1.2 Introduce self 介绍自己
  1.3 Explain the purpose of the interview 解释面谈的目的
  1.4 Put the respondent at ease(physical comfort) 表达自如(身体舒服)
  2. Appropriate use of non-verbal communication 适当的运用非语言交流
  2.1 Maintain good eye contact 保持良好的眼睛接触
  2.2 Observe proper body posture 观察正确的身体姿势
  2.3 Use silence appropriately 恰当地运用安静
  2.4 Avoid distraction 避免分撒注意力
  3. Questioning 问问题时
  3.1 Speak clearly 说话清晰
  3.2 Use simple language 使用简单的语言
  3.3 Ask open-ended questions 问自由回答的问题
  3.4 Ask one question at a time 一次问一个问题
  3.5 Wait for the respondent to answer 等待被访问者回答
  3.6 Ask appropriate probing questions 回答适当的刨根究底的问题
  3.7 Control pace of interview 控制会谈的节奏
  3.8 Control direction of the interview 控制会谈的范围
  3.9 Do not be judgmental 不要跟审判似的
  4. Focusing 焦点问题
  4.1 Elicit information relevant to the purpose of the interview 引入会谈有关的目的信息
  4.2 Have an organized sequence of questions 组织好问题的先后顺序
  4.3 Follow the respondent's verbal cues. 密切注意被访问者的语言暗示
  4.4 Ask for clarification appropriately 要求适当地澄清
  4.5 Make appropriate transactional statements 制定恰当的业务的说明
  5. Terminating the interview 会谈结束
  5.1 Ask the patient if he has any questions 询问病人是否还有其他问题
  5.2 Summarize what has been said 总结所说的
  5.3 Thank the respondent and say goodbye appropriately 谢谢被访问者并且恰当地说再见



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