GRE出国考试作文点评Issue 2:思路清晰和论据有力

来源:GRE考试    发布时间:2013-01-03    GRE考试辅导视频    评论

  Issue 2
  "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."
  I strongly agree with the assertion that significant advances in knowledge require expertise from various fields. The world around us presents a seamless web of physical and anthropogenic forces, which interact in ways that can be understood only in the context of a variety of disciplines. Two examples that aptly illustrate this point involve the fields of cultural anthropology and astronomy.
  简洁明?地指出作者自己的观点,第一句就I strongly agree…了,值得借鉴。需要学习的经典句子:I strongly agree with the assertion that…; The world around us presents…Two examples that illustrate this point involve… 首段最后一句建议背下来。
  Consider how a cultural anthropologist's knowledge about an ancient civilization is enhanced not only by the expertise of the archeologist——who unearths the evidence——but ultimately by the expertise of biochemists,geologists, linguists, and even astronomers. By analyzing the hair, nails, blood and bones of mummified bodies, biochemists and forensic scientists can determine the life expectancy, general well-being, and common causes of death of the population. These experts can also ensure the proper preservation of evidence found at the archeological site. A geologist can help identify the source and age of the materials used for tools, weapons, and structures——thereby enabling the anthropologist to extrapolate about the civilization's economy, trades and work habits, life styles, extent of travel and mobility, and so forth. Linguists are needed to interpret hieroglyphics and extrapolate from found fragments of writings. And an astronomer can help explain the layout of an ancient city as well as the design, structure and position of monuments, tombs, and temples——since ancients often looked to the stars for guidance in building cities and structures.
  这篇文章的精彩之处莫过于层出的复扎句和排山倒海似的并列句和排比句了。大家千万别给这个作者对于 anthropology &astronomy的高深见解吓倒,我觉得他肯定是考古或天文专业的。因此,我们也可仿效一下,举些符合自己熟悉的专业背景的知识,因为BT的ets们就喜欢这种味儿。
  An even more striking example of how expertise in diverse fields is needed to advance knowledge involves the area of astronomy and space exploration. Significant advancements in our knowledge of the solar system and the universe require increasingly keen tools for observation and measurement. Telescope technology and the measurement of celestial distances, masses, volumes, and so forth, are the domain of astrophysicists. These advances also require increasingly sophisticated means of exploration. Manned and unmanned exploratory probes are designed by mechanical, electrical, and computer engineers. And to build and enable these technologies requires the acumen and savvy of business leaders, managers, and politicians. Even diplomats might play a role——insofar as major space projects require international cooperative efforts among the world's scientists and governments. And ultimately it is our philosophers whose expertise helps provide meaning to what we learn about our universe.
  确实精彩,由此段可知作者思路之清晰和论据之有力了。看来,gre作文需要的是博闻强志啊!注意这里作者用了两个非常经典的gre单词—— acumen &savvy
  In sum, no area of intellectual inquiry operates in a vacuum. Because the sciences are inextricably related, to advance our knowledge in any one area we must understand the interplay among them all. Moreover, it is our non-scientists who make possible the science, and who bring meaning to what we learn from it.
  虽然仍未详细地阐释最后一句话,但从总体来说,个人认为这篇比4.15号的帖好多了。起码5分!最后强调一句作文高分对策:1. 有气势的排比和并列;2.丰富的课外知识,尤其是有关科技和哲学的。



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