2013版新GMAT OG逻辑题目解析(13)

来源:GMAT考试    发布时间:2013-01-07    GMAT考试辅导视频    评论

  Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

  Sviatovin is a medieval Moringian text whose author and exact date of composition are unknown. However, the events in the life of Prince Sviatov that the text describes occurred in 1165, and in the diagram of Sviatov’s family that accompanies the text his father, who died in 1167, is identified as still living. Thus Sviatovin must have been written between 1165 and 1167, assuring that.



  Sviatovin是一个中世纪的Moringian文本,它的作者和写作的确切日期不明。然而,文中描写的Sviatov王子的生平故事发生在1165年。 并且在附文的Sviatov家庭图表中,出现了于1167年去世的S王子之父,在图画中仍然活着。 因此Sviatovin一定是在1165年至1167年之间写的,假定以下条件成立的话: 。

  (A) the life of Prince Sviatov is not the subject of any other medieval Moringian texts

  (B) the author of Sviatovin intended it to provide as accurate a report about Prince Sviatov’s exploits as possible

  (C) the diagram accurately represents the composition of Sviatov’s family at the time Sviatovin was written

  (D) Sviatovin is the earliest Moringian text whose composition can be dated to within a few years

  (E) Sviatovin was not written by Sviatov’s father himself

  (A) 王子Sviatov的生活不是任何其他的中世纪Moringian文本的主题

  (B) Sviatovin的作者旨在提供尽可能准确的对王子Sviatov的记录

  (C) 图表准确地反映出Sviatovin被写作时Sviatov的家庭构成

  (D) Sviatovin是最早的可以在几年内追溯到写作日期的Moringian文本

  (E) Sviatovin 不是Sviatov的父亲写的



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