
来源:GMAT考试    发布时间:2013-01-07    GMAT考试辅导视频    评论

  1. 事物的本身不能说明问题,事物的变化方能说明问题
  1. As the price of gasoline rises, which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive, the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.
  (A) which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive
  (B) which makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain attractive
  (C) which makes distilling alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute
  (D) making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain(E)
  (E) making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute
  这道题目中划线部分的which只能用来指代价格,但是价格的本身是不能说明用从谷物中蒸馏出来的酒精来做替代品变得更有吸引力的,油价上涨了这件事情方能说明,所以不能使用which,因为which只能指代一个特定的主体,它不能用来指代整个句子。应该用现在分词做伴随状语来表结果,所以答案应该选E,使用make n1 n2的句型。
  2. Some of the tenth-century stave churches of Norway are still standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely.
  (A) standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely
  (B) standing, demonstrating how wooden buildings, when they have sound design and maintenance, can last indefinitely
  (C) standing; they demonstrate if a wooden building has sound design and maintenance it can last indefinitely
  (D) standing, and they demonstrate wooden buildings can last indefinitely when there is sound design and maintenance(A)
  (E) standing, and they demonstrate how a wooden building can last indefinitely when it has sound design and maintenance
  2. 词与词之间的逻辑搭配关系
  3. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.
  (A) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.
  (B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult.
  (C) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult.
  (D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.(D)
  (E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision, which would deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about 20/500.
  这道题目正确的逻辑表述是当一个婴儿出现于子宫的黑暗当中,婴儿有着最初等的视觉,这个视觉将会被评为20/500,而一个成年人有着这样的视力将会被认为合法的瞎。首先A选项是不对的,它里面有两个代词it,第一个很明显指代视力,而第二个则是指代婴儿,这就违背了在同一句话中相同的代词应该指代相同事物的原则,所以A不对。这里我们来重点分析一下B选项,里面的关系代词that指代视力,是视力将会被评为20/500,这没有问题,但是很遗憾这个定语从句后面还引导了legally blind as an adult,它的逻辑主语也是that,这样就变成视力合法的瞎了,这个逻辑就是有问题的,我们只能说人瞎,视力是无法说它瞎的。同样我们只能说人聋,听力是无法说它聋的,因此B选项就属于词与词之间的逻辑搭配关系错误。答案应该选D选项,后半分句是一个成年人有着这样的视力将会被认为合法的瞎,消除了逻辑搭配不当和代词指代的错误。
  4. The physical structure of the human eye enables it to sense light of wavelengths up to 0.0005 millimeters; infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye.
  (A) infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye
  (B) however, the wavelength of infrared radiation—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye making it invisible
  (C) infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long for the eye to register it
  (D) however, because the wavelength of infrared radiation is 0.1 millimeters, it is too long for the eye to register and thus invisible(A)
  (E) however, infrared radiation has a wavelength of 0.1 millimeters that is too long for the eye to register, thus making it invisible



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