
来源:GMAT考试    发布时间:2013-01-07    GMAT考试辅导视频    评论

  78、Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales, which have been some of the most frequently translated works in literary history, while he wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several autobiographies, which remained almost unknown outside his native Denmark.
  (A) Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales, which have been some of the most frequently translated works in literary history, while he wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several autobiographies, which remained
  (B) Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales, which, while among the most frequently translated works in literary history, his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several autobiographies remain
  (C) Even as Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales have been among the most frequently translated works in literary history, still his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several autobiographies, remain
  (D) Unlike the fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen, which are some of the most frequently translated works in literary history, he wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several autobiographies, which remained
  (E) Although Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales that are among the most frequently translated works in literary history, his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several autobiographies, remain
  一个家伙写的 tales 成了文学史上翻译频率最高的著作而他写的其他东西却不被别人知晓。
  读完 A 之后发现前半句和后半句有一个明显的并列,但是后半句 which 后面用 remained 强调这个动作发生在过去而不是产生的结果,前半句用 which have been 完成时态体现出产生的结果,前后不对应(不是一句话前后半句一定时态要一致,关键是看时态体现出的意思是否合理) 。
  B 读到, which, while among the most frequently translated works in literary history,就感觉有点乱七八糟的,干掉。
  C 的逻辑是即使这个家伙写的 fairy tales 成为了史上翻译频率最高的著作,但是他写的其他东西still保持不被人所熟知, 我为什么会把still用黑体, 前面用even as后面用still,这句哈前后不是逻辑矛盾吗,干掉。
  D 后面句的 he wrote 中的 he 和前面的 unlike the fairy tales 不对应,干掉。
  E 意思逻辑是虽然这个家伙写的这个东西在文学史上是被翻译频率最高的小说但是他写的其他东西不被人所知。句子逻辑通顺,选这个(谁告诉你前半句强调那个人写的东西后半句也一定要强调他写的其他东西呢?那是语法不是意思! )



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