
来源:GMAT考试    发布时间:2013-01-07    GMAT考试辅导视频    评论

  492.Los Angeles has a higher number of family dwellings per capita than any large city.
  (A) a higher number of family dwellings per capita than any large city
  (B) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than any other large city
  (C) a higher number of family dwellings per capita than does any other large city
  (D) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than do other large cities
  (E) a high per capita number of family dwellings, more than does any other large city
  the key:C
  531.New techniques in thermal-scanning photography, a process that records radiation from surface areas, makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than ever before.
  (A) makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than ever before
  (B) make it possible to study, in greater detail, the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river than ever before
  (C) have made it possible to study in greater detail than ever before the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river
  (D) make possible the study of the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than it ever was before
  (E) has made it more possible than ever before to study in greater detail the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river
  the key:C
  lemonee:more......than ever before



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