
来源:工程硕士GCT    发布时间:2012-07-11    工程硕士GCT辅导视频    评论

  Part Two Reading Comprehension
  In this part there are three passages and one chart, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
  Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage:
  Happy hours are not necessarily happy, nor do they last for an hour, but they have become a part of the ritual of the office worker and businessman.
  On weekdays in pubs and bars throughout America, there is the late afternoon happy hour. The time may vary from place to place, but usually it is held from four to seven. After the workday is finished, office workers in large cities and small towns take a relaxing pause and do not go directly home. They head off instead for the nearest bar or pub to be with friends, co-workers and colleagues. Within minutes the pub is filled to capacity with businessmen and secretaries, office clerks and stock executives. They gather around the bar like birds around a fountain or forest animals around a watering hole and chat about the trifles of office life or matters more personal. This is their desert garden, the place to relieve the day's stress at the office.
  At these happy hours, social binding occurs between people who share the same workplace or similar professions. They may chat about each other or talk about a planned project that has yet to meet a deadline. In this sense, these places become extensions of the workplace and constitute a good portion of one's social life.
  11. For office workers and businessmen the happy hour is their ____________.
  A. professional requirement
  B. regular practice
  C. refreshing break
  D. unpaid work
  12. Happy hours are held because office workers need to ___________.
  A. have a good rest after work
  B. stay away from household work
  C. make new friends
  D. celebrate their achievements
  13. The phrase "filled to capacity" in Paragraph 2 means the pub is _____________.
  A. too crowded
  B. rather entertaining
  C. completely full
  D. very noisy
  14. Happy hours contribute to office workers' __________.
  A. cooperation in society
  B. promotion in their company
  C. connection in society
  D. loyalty to their company
  15. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  A. The happy hour is a social gathering in America.
  B. People avoid talking about work at happy hours.
  C. Happy hours are held on weekdays only.
  D. People exchange work experiences at happy hours.






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