
来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论


  Talking to the Police 与警察谈话

  The overbearing(傲慢的, 专横的) police interrogation designed to wrench a confession from a quivering(颤抖的) suspect is an enduring dramatic image. Though the image is largely a relic of the past, police officers do question individuals in a variety of circumstances. For example, aside from seeking a confession, police officers may question an arrestee to uncover information about additional suspects, or officers may simply seek information from people they have no intention of arresting. This chapter examines common situations in which police officers are likely to ask questions, and describes the typical legal consequences both of talking and of remaining silent.

  Prosecutors can be counted on to use your words against you. Even a seemingly innocuous or innocent explanation may appear to link you to a crime when your words are recounted by a police officer, and may return to haunt you throughout your entire case, from the charges, to the amount of bail, to the trial itself. People who have even a remote suspicion that they may be accused of a crime should never talk to police officers before first talking to a lawyer.


  1、interrogation 审问,讯问,审讯

  2、confession 交代,招供,供认,认罪

  3、suspect 嫌疑犯

  4、remaining silent 保持沉默

  5、innocuous无害的,无伤大雅的, 不得罪人的

  6、innocent 清白的 ,无辜的,无罪判决的人,无罪判决者

  7、bail 保释 ,保人 ,保释金

  8、trial 审理,审判

  9、remote 间接的



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