
来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论


  案件  case

  案件发回  remand/rimit a case (to a low court)

  案件名称  title of a case

  案卷材料  materials in the case

  案情陈述书  statement of case

  案外人  person other than involved in the case

  案值  total value involved in the case

  败诉方  losing party

  办案人员  personnel handling a case

  保全措施申请书  application for protective measures

  报案  report a case (to security authorities)

  被告  defendant; the accused

  被告人最后陈述  final statement of the accused

  被告向原告第二次答辩  rejoinder

  被害人  victim

  被害人的诉讼代理人  victim's agent ad litem

  被上诉人  respondent; the appellee

  被申请人  respondent

  被申请执行人  party against whom execution is filed

  被执行人  person subject to enforcement

  本诉  principal action

  必要共同诉讼人  party in necessary co-litigation

  变通管辖  jurisdiction by accord

  辩护  defense

  辩护律师  defense attorney/lawyer

  辩护人  defender

  辩护证据  exculpatory evidence; defense evidence

  辩论阶段  stage of court debate



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