
来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论

  扭送  seize and deliver a suspect to the police

  派出法庭  detached tribunal

  派出所  police station

  判决  judgement; determination

  判决书  judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)

  旁证  circumstantial evidence

  陪审员  juror

  批准逮捕  approval of arrest

  破案  clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case

  破产  bankruptcy; insolvency

  普通程序  general/ordinary procedure

  普通管辖  general jurisdiction

  企业法人破产还债程序  procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation

  起诉  filing of a lawsuit

  起诉  sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings

  起诉状  indictment; information

  区县检察院  grassroots People's Procuratorate

  取保候审  the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving

  缺席判决  default judgement

  人民调解委员会  People's Mediation Committee

  认定财产无主案件  cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless

  认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity

  上诉  appeal

  上诉人  appellant

  上诉状  petition for appeal

  少管所  juvenile prison

  社会治安综合治理  comprehensive treatment of social security

  涉外案件  cases involving foreign interests

  涉外民事诉讼  foreign civil proceedings

  涉外刑事诉讼  foreign criminal proceedings



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