
来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:1.MultipleChoice
  • 第2页:2. True or False
  • 第3页:3. Cloze
  • 第4页:4. Translation
  • 第5页:5. Reading Comprehension

  1. Multiple Choice
Directions:There are 10 incomplete sentences. Each has four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.
  (1) ________prevents the insured from making a profit on an insurance claim..
  A. Principle of utmost good faith
  B. Principle of indemnity
  C. Principle of insurable interest
  D. Principle of subrogation
  (2) Insurance contracts are governed by the following principles except ________.
  A. Principle of utmost good faith
  B. Fortuity principle
  C. Principle of insurable interest
  D. Principle of subrogation
  (3) ________ contracts are issued for a prespecified term and benefits are paid if the insured dies within that period and are also paid if the policyholder survives to the end of the policy term. It is therefore equivalent to term insurance plus a lump-sum benefit paid on survival.
  A. Whole life insurance
  B. Temporary or term life insurance
  C. Endowment life insurance
  D. Industrial life insurance
  (4)Social insurance are different from privately sponsored insurance devices. The basic differences between them are the following except _________.
  A. Compulsion
  B. Floor of protection concept
  C. Subsidy concept
  D. Fortuity principle
  (5) __________ is the procedure by which an insurer evaluates the risk of a proposal and decides whether or not to enter into contract, and if so on what terms.
  A. Underwriting
  B. Deciding a price
  C. Paying claims
  D. Drawing up accounts
  (6) ___________ is an individual employed to hire, train and supervise the agents at a lower level.
  A. An agent
  B. An intermediary
  C. A general agent
  D. Independent middleman
  (7) In some lines of property insurance, the insurer employs a representative called _______ to handle its business, to solicit prospects, to take care of paper work, and, in general, to serve as the insurer’s direct contact with the insured..
  A. An agent
  B. Independent middlemen
  C. A general agent
  D. An exclusive agent
  (8) _______ is where the reinsurer takes a stated percent share of each policy the insurer writes and then shares in the premiums and losses in that same proportion.
  A. Proportional reinsurance
  B. Excess of Loss
  C. Facultative reinsurance
  D. Treaty reinsurance
  (9) _______ do not belong to technical reserves necessary to meet non-life insurance liabilities.
  A. Unexpired risk reserves
  B. Unearned premium reserves
  C. Free reserves
  D. Outstanding claims reserves
  (10) In determining whether to pay or contest a claim, the adjuster follows a relatively set settlement procedure with four main steps: 1.investigation, 2.payment or denial of the claim, 3.proof of loss, and 4.notice of loss. They should be ordered as _________.
  A. 1-2-4-3
  B. 3-2-4-1
  C. 1-2-3-4
  D. 4-1-3-2




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