
来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论

  申请人 applicant; petitioner
  申请书 petition; application for arbitration
  申请执行人 execution applicant
  申诉人宣誓书 claimant’s affidavit of authenticity
  申诉书 appeal for revision; petition for revision
  神示证据制度 system of divinity evidence
  神示制度 ordeal system
  审查案件 case review
  审查并决定逮捕 examine and decide arrest
  审查起诉阶段 stage of review and prosecution
  审理通知书 notice of hearing
  审判长 presiding judge
  审判长宣布开庭 presiding judge announce court in session
  审判管辖 adjudgement/trial jurisdiction
  审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision
  审判委员会 judicial committee
  审判员 judge
  审问式诉讼 inquisitional proceedings
  生效判决裁定 legally effective judgement/order
  胜诉方 winning party
  省市自治区检察院 higher People’s Procuratorate
  失踪和死亡宣告 declaration of disappearance and death
  实(质)体证据 substantial evidence
  实物证据 tangible evidence
  实在证据 real evidence
  示意证据 demonstrative evidence
  视听证据 audio-visual evidence
  收容所 collecting post; safe retreat
  首席大法官 chief justice
  首席检察官 chief procurator
  受害人的近亲属 victim’s immediate family
  受理刑事案件审批表 registration form of acceptance of criminal case
  受送达人 the addressee
  书记员 court clerk
  书记员宣读法庭纪律 court clerk reads court rules
  书证 documentary evidence
  司法部 Ministry of Justice
  司法机关 judicial organizatons
  司法警察 judicial police
  司法局 judicial bureau
  司法厅 judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government
  司法协助 judicial assistance
  死缓的复核 judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve
  死刑复核程序 procedure for judicial review of death sentence
  死刑复核权 competence for judicial review of death sentence
  送达 service of process
  送达传票 service of summons/subpoena
  送达诉状 service of bill of complaint
  搜查 search
  诉 sue; suit; action; lawsuit
  诉前财产保全 property attachment prior to lawsuit
  诉讼 litigation; lawsuit; sue; action
  诉讼保全 attachment
  诉讼参加人 litigious participants
  诉讼代理人 agent ad litem
  诉状 complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim
  特别程序 special procedures
  提起公诉 institute a public prosecution
  受理 acceptance



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