
来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论

Bank Account An arrangement between a bank and a customer, giving the customer access to certain banking services.Checking AccountAn account, which allows funds to be withdrawn by check writing. These accounts usually pay interest when a minimum balance is maintainedSavings AccountA deposit account at a bank, which pays interest, where funds cannot be withdrawn by check writing.Personal Identification Number(PIN)A code used by an individual which restricts access to the money deposited in their account.Deposit at callAn account deposit that can be accessed by the customer on demand and carries no penalty for doing so.PassbookA book issued by a bank to keep record of all transactions on a savings account, such as deposits, withdrawals, and interest earned.StatementA document issued to the customer on a regular basis showing all transactions that have taken place on the account during a specified period. 银行账户银行和客户间的一项安排,客户可以享受某些银行服务。支票账户可以通过签发支票取款的账户,通常这些账户支付最低账面余额的利息。储蓄账户银行的一种存款账户,支付利息但是存款不能通过签发支票提取。个人识别号码客户使用的号码,用来限制查询或提取客户账户上的存款。通知存款可以随时由客户支取并不需要支付罚金的账户存款。存折银行发行的存款本,记录储蓄账户上的各项交易,如存款、取款和利得等。报表银行定期向客户发出的文件,显示账户在特定期间发生的全部交易。 



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