商业性交易商Commercial Trader

来源:金融英语    发布时间:2013-01-20    金融英语辅导视频    评论

  Uses the futures market for "hedging purposes since they are involved in the production, processing or merchandising of a commodity.
  Commercial traders are well capitalized & usually provide the  "fuel" for market advances/declines. In foreign currency futures however, commercial positions are
  less relevant as the majority of trading is done in the forex market.
  Non Commercial Trader (Speculators)非商业性交易商(投机者) Is a market participant who tries to profit from the buying and selling of futures contracts by anticipating future price movements.
  Non commercial data is a reliable source of information as it captures trader’s positions in a specific market. Extreme positioning in the currency futures market has historically been accurate in identifying important market reversals.
  Many FX traders rely on the currency futures data to determine future price direction



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