
来源:法律硕士    发布时间:07-11    法律硕士辅导视频    评论

  What are the specific traits that will assist executives to climb the ladder of success? Opinions vary widely. Given approximately equal qualifications and circumstances, some claim the success factor is largely a matter of luck — being in the right place at the right time. Others speak of an almost crazy devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. One "expert" maintains that it's undoubtedly a matter of how much education your mother had.

  To make it big, executives must possess four basic skills:

  First, drive. Business success takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive—almost by definition—is a striver. He will get tense when he is not striving.

  Second, people sense. Some say being able to judge people is more important than a high IQ. The skill can be instinctual(本能的), but in most cases it is painstakingly learned.

  Third, communications ability. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly.

  Fourth, calm under pressure. No businessman will get very far if he chokes up.

  1. Some people claim that besides hard work,the success also requires _____.

  [A] equal qualifications

  [B] specific traits

  [C] much education

  [D] a degree of cruelty

  2. According to the passage,a high IQ is _____.

  [A] instinctual

  [B] painstakingly learnt

  [C] inborn

  [D] more trivial than people sense

  3. The successful executives must _____.

  [A] transmit ideas face to face

  [B] depend on telephones

  [C] be persuasive writers

  [D] express themselves distinctly

  4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  [A] Every businessman possesses these four skills.

  [B] When a triver stops his devotion to work,he will feel quite at ease.

  [C] These basic skills are not instinctual at all.

  [D] Mother's education has undoubted effect on her child's success.

  5. What's the main idea of the passage?

  [A] Four skills for successful executives.

  [B] Some opinions about the success.

  [C] Specific traits for successful executives.

  [D] Qualifications and circumstances for climbing the ladder.

  参考答案:D D D D C



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