
来源:单证员    发布时间:2012-03-14    单证员视频    评论

为了帮助考生系统的复习单证员考试课程 全面的了解单证员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2012年单证员考试辅导资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!


1.支付条件(Terms of payment)

(1)Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to the sellers.

我们的一般付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的、足额信用证,见票即付。 信用证应通过为卖方认可的银行开出。

(2)For payment,we require 100% value,confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and transhipment allowed clause,available by draft at sight,payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here.


(3)The letter of credit should be established with its clauses in confirmation with the terms and conditions of the contract.


(4)We usually accept payment by L/C at sight draft or by T/T in advance,but never by C.O.D.

通常我们接受 即期信用证 付款或电汇。我们从不接受货到付款的办法。

2.催开信用证(Pressing for L/C)

(1)As the goods against your order No.111 have been ready for shipment for quite some time,it isimperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possible.


(2)We repeatedly requested you by faxes to expedite the opening of the relative letter of credit so that we might effect shipment for the above mentioned order,but after the lapse of 3 months,we have not yet received the covering L/C.


(3)We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once,otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom.


(4)The shipment time for your order is approaching,but we have not yet received the covering L/C.Pls do your utmost to expedite the same to reach here before the end of this month so that shipment may be effected without dealy.




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