
来源:导游资格考试    发布时间:2012-04-27    导游资格考试视频    评论


The topic of my commentary:

Sightseeing and tracking history.

Try to arouse the feelings of returning to history and nature in tourists, demonstrate the opinion that Beidaihe is a embodiment of historic value and natural beauty.

The whole commentary is divided into 3 parts:

Part one: Natural Recourses


If you had to choose one word to describe the erea,what would it be ?

Beautiful , romantic, comfortable …


Beidaihe is a place where so many domestic and abroad tourists are interested in. It has dark blue sea, golden beach, verdant trees, clear water and comfortable climate, all of what make it a natural and famous summer resort.


Standing in the reefs and facing the sea, feeling the sea wind touching your face: looking into the sea, the water and sky become one:looking back, we can see mountains rising and falling under thick woods. How beautiful it is!


Why Beidaihe is well known as the summer capital of China?


Because of the nice environment and comfortable climate, Beidaihe is the place where the state heads work and rest in summer. So it is gained the name “summer capital ”.

Part two:The history and famous people.

Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893, It was when a British engineer called JinDa helping to build a railway line in Beidaihe. He found that Beidaihe is an ideal place to escape the summer heat .On his recommendation, the first holidaymakers arrived Beidaihe, and then a poor fishing village quickly became popular.

In 1898, Qing Government made Beidaihe the official tourism zone for summer holiday, which drew hundreds of business people, politicians, missionaries from home and abroad to Beidaihe .

After the New China Was founded, late Chairman Mao,Premier Zhou and other important leaders gathered here every summer, talked about the state affairs and discussed the future of the country.

MaoZedong once said,“Sunshine, beach and air of Beidaihe are the most attractive.”

Famous poem composed by MaoZedong : Lang Tao Sha Beidaihe.

(Explain the meaning of the poem, make sure that all the tourists can understand the poet’s feeling)

Part three: Beidaihe in china’s development in tourism

Besides all of this above, there are many “first times” in Beidaihe’s history that affect china’s tourism industry.

So Beidaihe is most famous not only for its beauty but also its culture and history, all they together contribute to the reputation of Beidaihe as a perfect tourism destination.



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