
来源:成人高考    发布时间:2012-06-23    成人高考视频    评论

  Part Ⅲ  Identification (10%)

  Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  46.He [invited]me [to go] to a party [and] I did not want to[join him] that evening.
      A           B                  C                           D

  47.The information [which] she[ was injured] in [the accident] [was given] by Liz.
                  A               B                 C               D

  48.[Look at] the beautiful [flowers] here ! [How] wonderful they [are smelling].
     A                        B                C                           D

  49.Dear Helen, please [forgive] him [for] his [rudeness], [can you] ?
             A            B            C           D

  50.[Did]anyone[inform] you [with] the change of the schedule that
    A             B             C

   [had been decided] yesterday ?

  51.[Despite] his old [age], he is still [very healthful] and often works in the field.
     A                 B                   C        D

  52.This [equipment] is [based upon] advanced [techniques] and it is
        A               B                        C

   [highly reliable].

  53.It is [about time] that we [go to supper], [for] we still have a meeting [to attend] this evening.
       A                        B           C                                   D

  54.[Every now and then] he [would come] here [paying a visit to] his old aunt,
       A                      B                       C

   who lived [all alone] in a small house.

  55.The passengers [saw] the thief [stole] [on the bus], but they [didn't say] anything.
           A                 B          C                       D




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