
来源:大学英语六级    发布时间:2013-02-03    大学英语六级辅导视频    评论


逻辑表达错误 2.介词使用错误 3.代词使用错误 4.非谓语动词使用错误 5.主谓语前后不一致错误 6.名词的错误 7.代词使用错误 8.冠词的错误 9.句子结构的错误 10.时态语态和语气的使用错误 11.易混淆词的使用错误。


  主谓语前后不一致错误的主要类型有三种:一是句子的主语往往被一个或者几个复杂的修饰成分隔得很远;二是定语从句中的谓语动词和前面的先行词未在数上保持一致;三是按照语法规定,有些代词或表达时所跟的谓语动词必须使用单数或者复数形式,而这些错误恰恰就是违反了这些规则,譬如,either和neither作主语时,谓语必须用单数,many a + 可数名词时,其谓语也应该用单数形式,另外还有些情况如有时某些名词可以不用复数,但是在特定的句子中由于前面有明确的量词修饰,例如many,several,a number of,a variety of等等,就要变成复数形式。

  The president of the company, together with the

  workers, are planning a conference for the purpose 1.__________

  of solving financial problems.

  在此句中,主语的主词实际上为单数名词“ president ”,介词短语“ together with the workers ”与主语无关,是插入成分,故谓语动词应用单词 is ,从而与前文保持一致。

  There are many stories about this temple, but

  behind it lies two myths. 1.__________

  该句后半部分实际上是一个倒装句,正常顺序为“ two myths lie behind it ”,谓语动词的形式应该与 myths 看齐,而非与介宾短语 it 一致,故应该把 lies 改为 lie .

  …perhaps; one in every seven deaths in Europe's

  crowded cities were caused by the disease. 1.__________

  该句的主语实际上为 one ,而非 crowed cities ,也不是 every seven deaths ,后面均为其修饰成分,故谓语动词应该改为 was .此句的难点在于介词短语又多又长,容易干扰答题者的语法观念。

  The class is listening to the teacher, taking notes. 1.__________

  该句中主语为“ the class ”, class 本身为单数,但是此时表示“构成班集体的全体学生成员”,实际上为复数,所以谓语动词应该使用复数形式与之对应,故应该将 is 改为 are ,类似的单词还有 audience , family , crew , government , pubic , team 等。

  1 Understanding the cultural habits of another nation,

  especially one containing so many diversified subcultures

  as the UnitedState, are a complex, bewildering task. 1.__________

  2 The ideals and practices of child rearing vary from

  culture to culture. In general, the more rural the

  community, the more uniform is the customs of child 2.__________


  3 Early upbringing in the home is naturally affected

  both by the cultural pattern of the community and by

  the parent's capabilities and their aims and depend not 3.__________

  only on upbringing and education but also on the

  innate abilities of the child.

  4 Among the animals that wandered through the

  world of long ago are some which has now entirely 4.__________

  died out; but sometimes the bones of an ancient

  animal that are dug out in the earth excite the

  enquiring scientists.

  5 “ Generation gap ” used to be a fashionable topic

  among people. This so-called gap was actually

  nothing but a difference in the attitudes of the old

  and young. Old people complained that the young

  was so ignorant of the past and had gone too far 5.__________

  from the traditions, while young people protested

  that they never had to follow the path their parents

  once took.

  6 The latter was no less justified in their 6.__________

  protests than the former in their complaints.

  7 The math exam we have just had is far more

  difficult than the one we had last month. Only the

  first few questions are easy, the rest is very difficult. 7.__________

  8 The small college, therefore, generally provides

  a limited number of courses and specializations but

  offer a better student-faculty ratio, thus permitting 8.__________

  individualized attention to students.

  9 Fifty yuan a week for rent are not too expensive, 9.__________

  however, I still can not afford it.

  10 Three-fourths of the earth surface are covered by 10.__________




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