
来源:大学英语六级    发布时间:2013-02-03    大学英语六级辅导视频    评论


逻辑表达错误 2.介词使用错误 3.代词使用错误 4.非谓语动词使用错误 5.主谓语前后不一致错误   6.名词的使用错误 7.冠词的使用错误 8.词性使用错误9.句子结构的错误 10.时态语态和语气的使用错误 11.易混淆词的使用错误。



  1 In every case, the influential person may unconsciously

  notice the imitation but he will feel comfortably in its presence.   1.__________

  2 Even the careful protected wildness areas can be invaded   2.__________

  at any moment by a passing jet.

  3 In every nation, there is a vast class of people who are

  cowardice, and more or less stupid.         3.__________

  4 So complete absorbed was she in watching the cloud   4.__________

  to which her strange song seemed addressed, that she

  did not observe me when I rose and went towards her.

  5 Many women, for example, have committed their lives

  to teaching careers, yet relative few have become   5.__________

  principals or headmasters.

  6 The university exposes its students to many different

  culture, social and out-of-class programs.       6.__________

  7 Confucius at last found him. He proved to be a teacher

  of rare enthusiastic and skill.           7.__________

  8 Emotive language can be used whether or not we

  are lonely.                    8.__________

  9 But Swiss discovered long ago that constantly warfare 9.__________

  brought them something but suffering and poverty.

  10 If you were a Catholic in a Protestant country, or a

  Protestant in another kind of Protestant country, you

  were often make very uncomfortably.         10.__________


  1 Black Smith, the man servant, was ordered to be a

  l ot of housework. He mopped the floor, cleaned the

  windows, and other odd jobs.             1.__________

  2 The value of a course depends as much on its inherent

  interests as the practical use you can put it to.   2.__________

  3 I am told that your roommate is difficult to get along

  with, but my roommate is generous, considerate,

  and is easy to get along with.            3.__________

  4 Workers hurrying to their offices or factories, children

  go to school, people going out to buy things, all uses  4.__________


  5 In more technologically developed societies, the period

  of child and adolescence tends to be extended over a

  long time, resulting in more opportunities for education

  and a great variety in character development.     5.__________

  6 Man has spent most of his resources exploring the

  outer space, plumbing the depths of the ocean, and

  probe into himself.                 6.__________

  7 However a second person thought that this was more

  a question of civilized behavior as good manners.   7.__________

  8 At the beginning of the nineteenth century working

  hours were from sunrise to sunset, pay was awful,

  and working conditions being poor and dangerous.    8.__________

  9 In the past the pen did all the work, for all writing

  intended to last for any length of time valid only if   9.__________

  written with pen and ink.

  10 Since it was the first time for the Europeans to set

  foot on this large continent, they called the New   10.__________

  World, while Europe and the rest became known

  as the Old World.



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