
来源:大学英语六级    发布时间:2013-02-03    大学英语六级辅导视频    评论

  1. 审题:两项内容:1)英文标题+2)汉语提纲 (如果汉语提纲不是三条,则将其转化为三条提纲)
  2. 将三个汉语提纲转化为一个英文表达,充当该段主题句。(首尾段可无主题句,但中间段落最好有)
  3. 将主题句扩展成一个英文段落。(方法:举例、数据、对比、列举、补充说明、因果法等)
  第1、2步为准备工作 时间控制在三分钟以内:
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic College Students’ Part-time Jobs. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
  1. 有些人赞成大学生做兼职, 有人反对
  2. 我的看法
  审题:1. 题目:College Students’ Part-time Jobs
  2. 提纲:1. 有些人赞成大学生做兼职, 有人反对
  2. 我的看法考试大论坛
  题目关键词为: part-time jobs
  3. 提纲转化为三条:
  1. 有些人持相反意见
  2. 有些人赞成大学生做兼职
  3. 我的看法 (无需写出)
  1. 联想开篇句式:when it comes to …, people’ opinions differ/vary. 或者it is a common phenomenon for … to do sth, 或者 it can be noticed that an increasing number of …
  将这些表达以关键词的形式列出:如: when… 或者 it is …
  2. 转化主题句:
  1) 有些人持反对意见- Others hold the opposite view。
  理由:1. main task- academic study, 2. society complex- cheated
  2) 有些人赞成大学生做兼职- hold the positive view
  理由:1. ease financial burden 2. enrich experience
  3) 我的看法- both right ……。
  3. 扩展成文
  It can be noticed that an increasing number of college students are doing part-time jobs in their free time. However, people’ opinions on this issue vary greatly. Some hold the opposite view. Firstly, they claim that it is academic pursuit that is college students’ primary task. Secondly, owing to the complexity of the society, students may be easily cheated
  Others, on the contrary, are of students’ part-time jobs. They argue that by doing part-time jobs, students can earn a little money to ease their parents’ financial burden. Besides, they believe that part-time jobs enable them to enrich their personal experience and broaden their horizons. Thus, they can acquire the knowledge which can not be obtained in campus。
  Who is right? I think both sides have something right. Actually, part-time jobs can be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us both benefits and troubles. But we should not give up for fear of choking. The best policy, as I see it, is to maximize their advantages and minimize their unhealthy influences, so that they can benefit us in a better way. (最后一段属四、六级模板套用)。(182词)
  最后,请检查基本语音错误:1, 单词拼写 2, 时态, 3, 单复数,4,关联词



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