
来源:大学英语六级    发布时间:2013-02-03    大学英语六级辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:练习题
  • 第2页:答案


      57.Which of the following does“labor market problems”(Line1,Para.1)refer to?
      [A]Shortage of jobs providing adequate income.
      [B]Deficiencies in the training of the work force
      [C]Trade relationships among producers of goods.
      [D]The overall causes of poverty.
      58.The author contrasts the 1930s with the present in order to show that__________.
      [A]more people were unemployed in the 1930s
      [B]social programs are more needed now
      [C]unemployment now has less severe effects
      [D]now there is a greater proportion of elderly and handicapped people among those in poverty
      59.Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author?
      [A]Innovative programmes using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment.
      [B]A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view.
      [C]New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering.
      [D]Consideration should be given to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure.
      60.The author’s purpose in citing those who are repeatedly unemployed during a twelve-month period is most probably to show that______________.
      [A]there are several factors that cause the payment of low wages to some members of the labor force
      [B]unemployment statistics can underestimate the hardship resulting from joblessness
      [C]recurrent inadequacies in the labor market can exist and cause hardships for individual workers
      [D]a majority of those who are jobless at any time does not suffer severe hardship
      61.According to the text,one factor that causes unemployment and earnings figures to over-predict the amount of economic hardshipis the____________.
      [A]recurrence of periods of unemployment for a group of low wage workers
      [B]fact that unemployment counts do not include those who work for low wages
      [C]establishment of a system of record keeping that makes it possible to compile poverty statistics
      [D]prevalence,among low wage workers and the unemployed,of members of families in which others are employed




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