
来源:大学英语四级    发布时间:2013-02-02    大学英语四级辅导视频    评论

    [马上进入2012年6月四六级备考专题英语四级复习备考 英语六级复习备考 免费在线模考]

    Cloze 38
    As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and 1 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly 2 forward.At that moment, the air-hostess 3 .She looked very pale, but was quite 4 .Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 5 everyone that the pilot had 6 and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at 7 how to drive a car.After a moments 8 , a man got up and followed the hostesssintosthe pilot's cabin.Moving the pilot 9 , the man took his seat and listened carefully to the 10 instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport 11 .The plane was now dangerously close 12 the ground, but to everyone's 13 , it soon began to climb.The man had to 14 the airport several times insgroupsto become 15 with the controls of the plane. 16 the danger had not yet passed.The terrible 17 came when he had to land.Following 18 , the man guided the plane toward the airfield.It shook violently 19 it touched the ground and then moved rapidly 20 the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.
    1.A.although    B.while    C.therefore        D.then
    2.A.shifted    B.thrown    C.put      D.moved
    3.A.showed    B.presented    C.exposed      D.appeared
    4.A.well    B.still        C.calm      D.quiet
    5.A.inquired    B.insured    C.informed        D.instructed
    6.A.fallen    B.failed    C.faded      D.fainted
    7.A.best    B.least    C.length      D.first
    8.A.hesitation    B.surprise    C.doubt      D.delay
    9.A.back    B.aside    C.about      D.off
    10.A.patient    B.anxious    C.urgent      D.nervous
    11.A.beneath    B.under    C.down      D.below
    12.A.to    B.by        C.near      D.on
    13.A.horror    B.trust    C.pleasure        D.relief
    14.A.surround    B.circle    C.observe      D.view
    15.A.intimate    B.familiar    C.understood        D.close
    16.A.Then    B.Therefore    C.But      D.Moreover
    17.A.moment    B.movement    C.idea      D.affair
    18.A.impression    B.information    C.inspections        D.instructions
    19.A.as    B.unless    C.while      D.so
    20.A.around    B.over    C.along      D.above




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